Timothy Jones.

The head of finance at S&L Pharmaceuticals. British, charming, utterly competent, incredibly smart and hot as fuck.

We have a status meeting every Monday, when we go through all new contracts, review the ones that are about to expire and discuss the new opportunities to raise more money to the company with the new customers the Sales department has brought us.

We also talk about movies, TV shows, books and share cute pictures of our pets. At first I was very reluctant of letting the high wall I've built between me and the other people who works here fall, but let's just say Tim has fought his way through them with his charming manners, dashing green eyes and sexy smile. Our weekly meeting in my office is actually the only one time I let go of the cold and unapproachable facade I play here. And I guess I just let it happen because even though we talk a lot, we also execute our jobs flawlessly.

"Tim" I smile at him as he pulls the chair right in front of me, across my white marble table "How are you today?"

"Honestly? Hangover" He smiles, brushing his face with both his hands.

"Busy Sunday?"

"No" He chuckles "Busy Saturday, but after you're 40, hangovers last for three days."

"Oh." I keep forgetting we have a huge age difference. "Can't say I'm eager to test your theory."

"Oh, my heart" He plasters his open palm to his chest "She just called me old."

"I did not!" My voice sounds way more high pitched than I would like it too, but I always sound kinda high pitched near Tim. "You're the one who said it."

"I'm just playing with you" He winks "What about your weekend? Was it good? Did you party like hell and woke up feeling great the next morning, being a lucky 24 years old?"

"Nah. Just did the usual... Hang out in my apartment reading my favorite Stephen King's book and playing around with Tate." I shrug "Also had a bottle of wine for dinner, but my hangover is pretty tame, to be honest."

"I've already told you that you're a young woman with an ancient soul, haven't I?" His lips tugs up to a crooked smile.

"You have, and I still don't know if I consider it a compliment or an insult." I start to giggle, but it gets lost in my throat when Tim rests his big, warm hand over mine, squeezing my fingers slightly and looking deep into my eyes.

"Definitely a compliment. You have the best of both worlds, darling." His voice sounds raspy and tempting, and suddenly I feel very hot.

"Uhh... Thank you, I guess" I babble, a soft smile playing on my lips.

He just winks, letting go of my hand, spreading the papers he brought over my desk and leaning his back on the backseat of the chair "Shall we begin?" 

He just winks, letting go of my hand, spreading the papers he brought over my desk  and leaning his back on the backseat of the chair "Shall we begin?" 

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