Chapter 24:

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I lay on the couch with Raph. He is sitting up reading his comic books and I'm laying down with my head on his lap.

We are the only ones in the living room, Leo is in the Dojo, Mikey is in his room, Donnie is in his lab and Casey and April should just being leaving school now.

"So I gotta talk to you about something." I say and sit up and spin around to face him and cross my legs and he looks over his comic book at me.

"Is this still about the clothes I bought yesterday? What's so wrong with one shirt and one pair of jeans? What more do I need?" He asks.

"No, but yes I still disagree with you on that." I say and he rolls his eyes and looks back at his comic. Okay I gotta reel him in before I lose him.

"April wants to date Donnie." I say and he slowly puts his comic down and looks at me.

"Is this because he's human now?" He asks and I shake my head no.

"She told me yesterday at the mall she's always wanted to be with him but was scared of what it would do to their friendship." I say.

"That's crazy, well why is this just coming out now? Or at all?" He says.

"Maybe cause now that he can turn human it makes it worse you know her wanting to be with him cause now it can really happen, dates and everything." I say and shrug.

"You know, I'm so glad we started dating before donnie invented these watches." Raph says and puts his hands on my waist and I scoot closer and smirk biting my lip a little.

"Why is that?" I ask and he smirks looking at my lips.

"Cause I know you wanna be with me, actually me, Raph the turtle not raph the human." He says and looks up into my eyes and I smile.

"I love you turtle or human." I smile.

"I love you too." He says and kisses me. The kiss turns into a make out and Raph basically pulls me on top of him.

We sit there making out on the couch. Raph's hands on my waist my hands on his chest.

"EWWWWWW!! Gross!!!" We hear someone yell and jump and look over to see Mikey pretending to throw up.

"What Mikey?" Raph laughs.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Mikey says still pretending to throw up. Raph and I both laugh and I sit back on the couch next to Raph and he puts his arm around me, and Mikey walks into the kitchen.

April then walk into the lair.

"Hey D." She smiles and comes and sits next to me.

"Hey Ap, how was school?" I ask.

"Just boring old school." She says and I smile.

"So are you going to ask out Donnie today?" Raph asks not looking up from his comic.

I look at Raph with wide eyes and he peeks over at me and sees my expression and raises his eyebrow.

"What?" He asks.

"You told Raph!" April yells.

"Oh... I'm going to go." Raph says and goes to get up but I grab him and pull him back down and look at April.

"I'm sorry, I had to hell him, I hate keeping things from him. And he won't tell anyone." I say and look at Raph. "Right Raph?" I ask.

Raph looks at us and pretends to motion he's zipping his lips and throwing the key away then smiles and goes back to his comic. I slowly turn my head to look at her.

"Please don't be mad." I say and half smile and she sighs.

"I guess I can't be mad, I can't expect you to keep secrets from your boyfriend." She says and I smile.

"Thank god, and now back to Raph's question, When are you asking Donnie out?" I ask.

"I don't know." She mutters.

"Ap you need to go in there right now and ask him or else you never will. You will just keep coming up with excuses." I say.

"That's what I had to tell myself when I wanted to ask Dani out." Raph says butting in and we both look at him then look back at each other.

"Just do it, you know what he's going to say, we all know he likes you." I say.

"But what do I say?" She asks.

"Just say, Hey Donnie, I was wondering if you wanna go bowling with Dani, Raph, and I on friday?" I say. "That's all, you don't even have to classify it as a date yet if you don't want to." I say and she sighs and stands up.

"Okay, I'm going in." Aprils says and walks towards Donnie's lab.

"God they are perfect for each other." Raph says and goes back to reading his comic.

"Let's hope this works out or else I'll never hear the end of it." I mutter and lay my head back on his lap and look at my phone.

*April's POV*

I slowly walk up to Donnie's Lab door and knock.

"Come in!" I hear him yell from the other side.

I grab the door and open it and walk in and slowly close it behind me.

"Oh, April." Donnie says surprised and I hear some bottles fall then he stands up straight and smiles and I walk up to him.

"Hey Donnie, I have a question." I say.

"Uh sure what's up?" He smiles.

"Do you, um, wanna go bowling with Dani, Raph and I on friday night?" I ask.

"What like a... a double date?" He asks and I take a deep breath.

"Uh yeah, yeah like a date." I smile and he looks at me.

"No thanks." Donnie says and I just stare at him in disbelief.

"What?" I ask.

"I know what you're thinking April, I've been chasing you and falling head of heels for you since I met you and you couldn't care less about me, but now that I can turn human all of a sudden you wanna go on a date?" He says and I just stare at him.

"That's not it Donnie, I've always liked you, I just didn't wanna ruin our friendship, I was scared of losing you."I say and he looks at me.

"You really wanna go on a date with me?" Donnie asks and I nod my head yes.

"Okay. Then it's a date." Donnie smiles and I smile back and start blushing.

"Well, umm okay, then, I'll umm see you then." I smile and clumsy walk out of the lab.

I close the door and hear Donnie start yelling and laugh a little.

I can't believe I just did that.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2020 ⏰

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