Chapter 3:

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*Dani's Pov*

I sit down on the couch and start up my laptop as Raph plays some kind of pinball game.

Leo watches some show called 'Space Hero's'.

Donnie is on his computer that he made himself.

Then Mikey is breathing down my neck.

"Mikey what are you doing?" I ask and push his head away a little.

"Get use to it Dani." Raph yell from the other side of the room.

"Seeing what your doing." Mikey says after giving Raph a death stare.

"I'm trying to find an internet connection." I tell him then look back to the computer screen.

I click a few buttons and it pops up.

"Yes got it." I smile.

I log onto facebook and start doing random things.

Mikey gets bored and walks away.

"Okay guys, it's time for our patrol." Leo orders while standing up and turning off the tv.

All the turtles stop what they are doing and walk up to Leo.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask.

"Going on our daily patrol." Raph says.

"Oh can I come?" I ask while setting my laptop next to me and standing up.

"Ummm well can you jump buildings and be a ninja?" Donnie asks.

"No." I hang my head.

"I'm sorry Dani maybe next time." Raph says.

"It's fine. Have fun." I smile and they all run out.

I sit back down on the couch with a sigh.

"Did the turtles go out for the patrol?" I look over to see Splinter.

"Yes." I say.

"You wanted to go with them didn't you." Splinter says.

"How did you know?" I ask.

"I can sense it." He laughs.

"Oh." I say.

"I have an idea. How about I teach you to be a Kunoichi?" Splinter asks.

"A what?" I have no idea what that is.

"A Kunoichi is a female ninja." Splinter says.

"Oh my god you would do that? You would teach me to be a ninja." I smile getting all excited.

"Well of course." Splinter says with a small smile of his own.

"This is awesome." I smile all giggly.

"Please follow me we will begin the teaching."

I follow splinter into this big room with a tree in the middle.

Not normal for the sewer but whatever not gonna question it.

Splinter starts going over all these rules about being a ninja.

How you must always be silent, you can never be seen, never leave anything behind.


*Raph's Pov*

My brothers and I walk back into the lair and I look over to see Dani not sitting on the couch or in the kitchen. But her computer is still sitting on the couch.

That's weird.

I wonder where she could be maybe she's back in her room.

Then she walks out of the Dojo and straight up to me.

"Hey Raph." She smiles. I swear her smile is so bright it could light up a whole city.

"Hi Dani." I smile back trying to keep cool.

"Can I see your hand for a second?" She asks.

"Okay." I hold out my hand to her and she grabs a hold of it with hers.

Okay I gotta keep cool. I can't freak out.

We are only holding hands nothing to be freaking out.

Okay this is exactly why I should be freaking out.

Shit she's talking.

"Raph!" Dani yells.

"Wh-what? Sorry wasn't paying attention." I say shaking my head a little.

"No Duh, Now do you want me to show you what Master splinter taught me while you guys were gone?" She asks all excited and smiley.

"Sure." I smile back.

"Leo, Donnie, Mikey come see what Master splinter taught me while you guys were on patrol." She smiles.

They all come over.

Dani holds my hand tighter.

Pulls me closer kicks my legs out from underneath me and flips me over and I land on my shell.

But she didn't flip me over on my shell to hard. Just enough to hurt a little.

"That is awesome." Leo says while giving Dani a high five.

Dani helps me up and smiles at me.

"Thanks for being my test dummy." She laughs then walks away while talking to Mikey.

"Her test dummy." Leo laughs after she's far enough way.

"Then walks off with mikey." Donnie adds.

"Shut up at least my crush talks to me." I say.

"What are you talking about?" Leo asks.

"One word karai." I say.

"You know what shut up." Leo says then walks off. I just laugh

*Dani's Pov*

I walk up to Raph who is playing that pinball game again.

"Hey Raph." I smile.

His finger hits the wrong button and a loud beep comes from the pinball game and then in a robot voice goes 'game over'.

"You lost the game." Mikey yells while running over.

"Wh-." Leo starts then look over at me. "Oh hi Dani." Leo laughs.

"Shut up Leo." Raph mutters.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Oh Dani its ummm it's yeah its nothing." Raph mumbles.

"Okay." I say and just look at him weirdly while all the other turtles crack up laughing.

"By the way Raph i'm sorry if I hurt you when I flipped you over early." I add.

"No it's fine." Raph smiles and blushes.

"As red as the bandanna."

"Mikey!" Raph yells and starts chasing after Mikey.

"IT WASN'T ME!" Mikey yells while running away for Raph.

"It was me." We look to see splinter laughing from the kitchen making us all laugh.


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