Chapter 13:

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~Raph's Pov~

I walk along the rooftops looking for Dani. Where could she have gone?

I stop and look around she couldn't have gone to far I just hope no one has found her and gotten her.

~Karai's Pov~

I rush into Shredders throne room.

"Father we have the location on Dani Smith." I tell him as I kneel.

"Then go! Take who you need and go!" My father yells.

"Yes father." I jump up and rush out.

"Foot, Bradford, Xever lets go!" I say and rush out and they all quickly follow.

We need to get this girl this time.

~Dani's Pov~

Im sitting in the same spot I've been just watching everything below.

"Well hello sweetheart." I hear someone say from behind me.

I jump and turn and see Karai, dogpound, fishface, and robots. This is not good.

"What do you want? You where the ones fighting the turtles the other week." I ask while backing up.

"I'm here to help you." The girl says while a sly smirk on her face.

"Help me?" I ask confused.

"The turtles are bad news. They feed you information that isn't true make you think that they are your friend then stab you in the back when you're least expecting it." She says and I can feel the lying in her tone.

I don't trust this chick at all.

She steps toward me more and I back up and right to the edge of the building.

I look over and it's too far of a gap to try and jump without running first.

I look back at the girl and the other things that are with her as they inch toward me.

"Karai!" They all turn around and I can't see past them to see who it is.

"How did you?" Karai starts.

"Doesn't matter all that matters is I'm here." This person states.

The robots go after him and he fights them off.

I try and look past Karai but that dog and the fish are blocking whoever it is as they fight him.

Finally I get to see who this is....

I look over and it's.....

a dude. not one of the turtles.


Karai and the other things retreat and this dude walks over to me and lifts up his mask and its Casey.

"Don't tell April." He says. Then he flips the mask back over his face and jumps down and runs off.

I watch as he runs.

What just happened......

I sit on the rooftop for maybe minutes when someone else come up behind me. I look over and it's Raph who is sitting next to me.

"We haven't done this in a while." He mutters.

I lay my head on his shoulder.

"No, we haven't. Hasn't been much time."

"Why did you leave?"

"I told you. April."

He puts his arm around me and rests it on my hip.

We sit in silence for about 3 minutes when Raph finally speaks backup.

"Ummm Dani?" He says kinda shaky.

"Yeah Raph?" I say back to let him know he has my attention.

"You know I really like you." I can tell he nervous just by the way he's speaking.

"Yes, and you know I like you.." I say and I know where this is going.

And strangely. I want to talk about this.

There is a slight pause.

"What says that we can't be together?" He asks.

"Raph you are a turtle. I'm a human it just wouldn't work." I explain.

"Then what is this..... All the time you lay on me, sit on my lap, share my food." He starts to raise his voice then pauses.

"Isn't that a relationship?" He finishes.

I sit up and look at him.

He looks back and for the first time I can actually see that Raphael is hurting.....and it's all my fault.

I'm tearing him apart.....


Into The Sewer (A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fan-fic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя