Chapter 7:

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*Dani's Pov*

I sit in the lair with Raph on my right.

Leo on my left.

Mike sitting on the floor in front of me and Donnie is sitting next to Leo.

Splinter in standing facing all of us discussing what happened the other day when I left.

"So what exactly happened Dani?" Splinter asks me.

"Well I got a text from a random number saying that if I didn't meet them in this alley they were gonna come and kill all of you and destroy the lair, and I've already lost so many people I couldn't let anything happen to you guys." I say. "That's why I made the big deal about Leo not wanting me to go on patrol with them. I understood that he didn't think I was ready. But I had to create a big distraction."

"Well it worked." Raph mutters. I just ignore him and go on with my story.

"I knew that Raph was gonna follow me so I had to wait. When he finally kicked the door in I quickly hid in the closet hoping he wouldn't come looking for me. After he left to tell the other guys I wasn't there, I snuck out of my room and into Mikey's across the hall. Once they all ran into my room it was easy for me to walk out. Then I knew that Donnie must have put some kind of tracking device in the phone so I planted it in my apartment and went off to meet this random person but the turtles got there before I did." I finally finish my long ass story.

"Very clever plan and next time something like that happens tell us we can help we are ninja." Splinter says.

"Yes sensei I will be sure to tell you next time." I smile.

"Good now I'm off to meditate." He says and walks off.

"He does that a lot doesn't he." I say.

"More than you think." Raph laughs.

We all break off. Leo is of course watching space heroes.

Mikey's eating.

Donnie's in his lab working on some new invention.

And Raph is feeding Spike.

I have seen Raphael fight and the way he acts with his brother sometimes and he is mean and doesn't take any shit from no one.

But then when he is with Spike or when he's talking to me he is completely different.

No don't get me wrong all of these turtles are my absolute best friends.

But sometimes I feel like Raphael should be more than that.

Then it comes up that I'm human, he's a turtle so I don't exactly know how that would work at all.

I'm so confused.

I really like Raphael but we just aren't the same.

You know what they say. Opposites attracted.


*Raph's Pov*

I walk into Donnie's lab to see him mixing things together.

"What ya making bro? Something that goes boom hopefully." I say with a sadistic smile on my face.

"Calm down psycho and no this doesn't explode." He says.

"Then what is it for?" I ask.

"None of your business." Donnie says and pushed me out of his lab.

He closes the doors and Leo looks up at me.

"What was that about?" He asks.

"Donnie is making something that is none of my business." I say.

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