Chapter 6:

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My heart is pumping faster and faster with every stride, leap, and turn.

I jump over a massive gap between two buildings and barrel roll to not hurt myself but fail and strain my neck a little and twist my ankle.

But I keep running I can't let them get to me.

I jump another gap which is not as wide so I don't have to barrel roll.

I turn around to find them not following me anymore.

I decided to stop and take a breather.

More like fall down onto the roof and take a breather.

I lay there for a few minutes then finally catch my breath and stand up.

I wonder where they went.

I turn around and jump and go to run the other way but they have me trapped.

"Got you." Mikey laughs.

"Shut up. I had you guys for a while."

"We still got you in the end that's all that matters." Leo laughs.

"Shut up." I pout.

"Oh cheer up Dani you're getting better." Raph smiles.

All the turtles look at Raph in disbelief.

"What?" Raph asks.

"You so have a cru-." Raph runs over and slaps his hand on Mikey's mouth.

"A crunch." Raph says changing Mikey's sentence.

"Okay Raph we gotta talk." I say.

"Ummm okay." Raph says.

I take his hand and pull him over away from the other turtles.

"I know you have a crush on me." I say right away.

"N-" He starts.

"Don't lie to me Raphael." I say with a straight face.

"Okay I do." He says and puts his head down.

"Raph relax. I like you too." I say and can feel the heat start to rush to my cheeks.

Raphael's head snaps up.

"You do?" He smiles all happy.

"Yeah I do." I laugh

"So what does this mean?" He asks.

"I don't know. I mean I'm human, and your a turtle. Let me think." I say and walk back over to all the turtles with Raph right behind me.

"Okay so where do we go know?" I ask.

"Well since it all looks good we go back to the lair." Donnie says.

"But the lair is like 20 blocks away. I don't think I can do that." I say still out of breath.

Then I'm lifted onto a turtle back and told to hold on.

All the turtles take off running full speed towards the lair.

It's pretty obvious that I'm on Raph's back since one he has a massive crush on me and two the red bandanna flying all around me.

The 20 blocks go by pretty quickly when you aren't doing anything and you are jumping along roof tops!

We get into the sewer which of course I'm still disgusted to live in.

We walk into the lair and Mikey rushes to the fridge. Donnie runs to his lab. And Leo turns on space heroes.

Raph starts looking around the lair and it looks like he's worried.

"Everything okay Raph?" I ask him.

"I can't find spike." He says.

"I'll help ya find him." I say.

I check the Kitchen. Nothing.

The hallway. Nothing.

I walk into my room and start looking around.

I walk over and slide open my closet door and there he is chewing on my shirt.

"Found him!" I yell.

Raph comes running in full speed.

"He's eating my shirt." I say with a straight face.

"So sorry Dani." Raph says.

He grabs spike and the shirt out of his mouth.

He hands me the chewed up shirt which I just throw on the ground in the closet and walk out shaking my head.

"Stupid Turtles." I mutter.

Not mean just spike.


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