Part 63

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If Bobby thought she was going to get away without anyone knowing about her and Matt- she was absolutely wrong. The next day, she didn't get away without him trying to hold her hand all. the. time. Every time he reached out, she turned bright red. She just wasn't comfortable with big displays of affection and found gifts and gestures almost embarrassing.

Or like yesterday- when he had flowers sent down to the lobby for her so she would have to carry them up in the elevator and across the floor to her office. She frowned, staring at the pretty flowers now. They sat on a small table in the back of her office and she had to admit, she loved them. But he did it on purpose, damn it! He knew that it was embarrassing for her. THAT hadn't changed at all, they were still always getting on each other's nerves.  She'd told him over and over again that nothing was changing at work. After all, this was a place of business and they had to act professionally.

Still, as much as she dodged his attempts to hug her in front of people, he still managed to get away with placing a few random kisses on her cheek. She shook her head, trying not to laugh. 

Matt on the other hand, was finding Bobby's attitude more than annoying. He meant it when he told his father he was going to want the bigger office for him and Bobby.  He could almost picture it...

He and Bobby would be working long hours on a project, stealing kisses as they successfully put together amazing campaigns. Bobby turning that pretty shade of red anytime someone almost walked in on them. After all, he'd been watching his parents for years trying to get away with it. In his mind, he pictured himself holding her closely, or he seated in his lap as he worked on a project.

He should of known it was a dumb fantasy.

The moment Brian closed the doors and left them alone, Bobby wiggled out of his arms with a big frown and shook her head.

"I'm not sharing an office with you Matt." She said firmly, confusing him.

"I'm sorry- I thought we were making up." He replied. Bobby sighed and nodded.

"We are but I'm still not sharing an office with you." She said.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because I know you. I'll never get any work done with you trying to distract me all the time." She said, crossing her arms.

"Bobby..." he said, moving towards her again but she shook her head.

"Oh no. Don't try to fool me with your pretty boy smile. You don't know how to behave." She said, making him grin.

"You're right." he said, moving to scoop her up.

"Matt, come on..." She said, trying to wiggle away again. "I mean it. I expect you to behave. Just because we made up doesn't mean you have permission to do this whenever you want."

"You're serious aren't you?" He asked, looking at her with a raised brow.

"Yes, I am Mr. Carlton. At work, you'll behave professionally. No touching, no kissing. We have a job to do and I refuse to let the quality of my work suffer because I work with my boyfriend." She said. Matt smiled.

"Did you just call me your boyfriend?" He asked making her turn bright red.

"And none of that PDA nonsense. It's embarrassing. Some things are meant to be private." She said, ignoring his last comment.

"Bobby, as much as I appreciate and respect your work ethic- and trust in me that I do- there is no way that I'm not going to kiss you." Matt said.

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