Part 20

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"I just can't believe it. I can't believe that again you left me alone like an idiot." Lisa said angrily. 

Matt stared at her as she was putting her things away. She'd given him the cold shoulder all weekend and Monday and today, the last day before the break, she was finally letting him have it. 

"I already told you- it was an emergency. It couldn't be helped." He said, feeling annoyed by her pestering him.  He'd already apologized but she wasn't having it. 

"An emergency? That's right, with Bobby." Lisa said, chuckling sarcastically. "Fine, let's hear it."

Matt frowned. 

"It's personal." Matt said, making her roll her eyes. "I'm sorry- it's her personal business."

"Right." Lisa said, shaking her head and going back to what she was doing. 

"Lisa, just calm down. You're being unreasonable." Matt said. 

Lisa turned to look at him before nodding. 

"Okay. I'm being unreasonable. Yes, maybe I am but what woman wants to be ditched by her boyfriend at a party? You should have come to tell me directly, not through my assistant!" She said. 

"I didn't tell Eddie because he is your assistant, I told him because he's Bobby's friend. Please, Lisa- It's Christmas and I'm not going to see you until New Year." Matt said, moving towards an angry Lisa to try to pacify her. 

She stood very still, stiff with anger but she did soften a bit as he reached out for her. 

"You're right, I should have warned you I was leaving." Matt said, conceding for the sake of peace. 

On some level Matt knew that he should have let Eddie take Bobby home that night but he also didn't think he was wrong. Every instinct in his body told him that he was the one that needed to be there for Bobby. It was illogical but Matt had never been one to respond to logic. 

Lisa didn't say anything as Matt held her. She didn't hug him but she didn't push him away either, she only put her head on his shoulder for a second. 

Matt pulled her away gently and ran his hands up and down her arms. 

"When are you flying back?" He asked with a smile. 

"Thursday after Christmas." She said with a sigh. 

"So send me your flight information and I'll pick you up." Matt said with a smile. Lisa nodded. 

"You're still taking me tomorrow, right?" She asked and Matt's face went blank. 

He'd forgotten about that- In fact, he'd already made plans to have brunch with his family.

"Shit." He muttered. 

"Oh, Matt!" Lisa said, shaking her head and walking away from him. 

"Sorry Lisa- My kid sister and her stupid husband are going to be in town for the day and the family is having brunch. I completely forgot." Matt said. 

"Georgina?" Lisa asked, raising her brow. 

"No. George is our triplet, Vada is the younger one." Matt said and Lisa nodded. 

"She won't be in town for Christmas?" Lisa asked, raising her brow and Matt shook his head. 

"No, she's spending it with her husband's family. But she'll be around for New Year's." Matt said. 

"Fine, it can't be helped." Lisa said with a sigh. "Although I would like to meet your sisters sometime."

"You can on New Years." He said. "They'll both be here." 

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