Part 30

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They were eating breakfast. 

Something so simple but now so incredibly special to Bobby. What had their weekend been like? Simple, uncomplicated. Being around each other had always been natural- the type of thing they didn't have to think about. 

"Mmmmm" Matt made another little sound as he ate. "This is good- try it. 

"I don't know." Bobby said, looking at the strange looking gloop. How could he eat that?

"Come on- just try it." He insisted. 

"But the texture looks weird." She muttered, still staring at it. "No, I don't want it. Thank you."

Matt groaned and rolled his eyes. Nothing had really changed on that end, they were still always bickering. She scolded him over everything and he teased her endlessly. You really couldn't tell anything had changed...

Except when Matt would randomly reach out and grab her hand. It took some getting used to. The first few times, Bobby yanked it away in surprise. She was afraid she might have hurt his feelings, but instead he would just laugh and enjoy how pretty she blushed when he reached out again. 

There was also the hugging. She wasn't sure she would ever get used to that. Matt had his arm draped around her shoulders almost the entire time they'd been at the Smithsonian. 

Or they way he'd impulsively reach over and kiss her cheek. 

Bobby blushed at all of these actions. She wasn't used to this much attention and her paranoia made her feel like everyone was staring. Of course if they were, it was only because they must wonder what someone like Matt was doing with someone like her. 

Matt had been watching Bobby all weekend, thinking how adorable she was. He was teasing her- he knew she wasn't comfortable with all that public display of affection. He'd tone it down, once she got a little more used to it. There was suddenly so much he wanted to do when it came to Bobby, so many places he wanted to go but he knew they'd have to go through an adjustment period. He couldn't believe it- watching this grumpy little woman eat made him so happy. When he kissed her, before he even kissed her, he already knew it would be perfect. 

That first night they'd kissed and hugged for hours, until he noticed the little idiot begin to drift off. As much as he hated to leave her, he'd said goodnight and gone off to his own room to let her rest. 

They hadn't talked about what would happen next because there was still one very important thing pending: Lisa. But Matt knew what he had to do- the moment he got back he'd talk to her and tell her that it was over. 

Bobby watched Matt's face grow serious as he continued to eat absentmindedly. 

"You're thinking about her." She said, turning red and looking back at her plate. 

"Jealous?" He asked with a grin. Bobby shook her head. 

"No." She said truthfully. 

"You don't have to be- I meant it. I'm ending it as soon as we get back." He said, looking at Bobby seriously. Bobby nodded after a few moments. "After that- I'm all yours."

She watched him pack in more food into his mouth and tried not to laugh. Today they'd fly home and tomorrow, she'd tell Emma that she changed her mind and would continue to work with Matt. 

"Matt." She said after a few minutes, making him look back up at her. 

"Yeah?" he asked, noticing she looked worried. 

"Don't take this the wrong way... but... If you don't mind..." She began, searching for the words. 

"What?" He asked. "Out with it."

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