Part 40

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"You're here early." Eddie said to Bobby as she stood by the copy machine, making copy after copy.

"I'm always here early." Bobby said, swapping out the paper in the copy machine and pushing the green button again.

"Yes... but I'm here early today. It's only 7:30 AM..." he said, looking to the stack of copies next to her. "and judging by the stack, I can tell you've been here a while already."

"Wanted to get a head start. Lots to do." Bobby mumbled, swapping out the pages again. Eddie continued to watch her as she pushed the green button, this time the copy machine beeped.

"It's jammed." Eddie said.

"I can see that." Bobby replied, shaking her head.

"I'll get it." He said, moving towards the side door but Bobby beat him to it.

"I can do it myself." She said curtly, practically pushing him away. Eddie stared at her as she fumbled with the door and began to move things around. Then she reached in and grabbed the offending sheet of paper and pulled.  It was stuck. So she pulled again.

"Why don't we try..." Eddie began but Bobby cut him off.

"It's okay, I got it." she said, continuing to pull on the paper. Eddie shook his head, and turned to walk away but then he heard it.

"Damn it!" She said aloud, making him turn back. Bobby had fallen back, having pulled so hard on the paper that it ripped. He watched her sitting on the ground, her shoulders shivering.

"Hey." He said, kneeling beside her and realizing she was crying. "Hey, Bobby. Come on, We can fix it."

But Bobby just shook her head and then impulsively reach out the Eddie, wrapping her arms around his neck.  He wrapped his arms around her and waited. The last time he'd seen her cry she was just a kid, something had to be wrong.

"Bobby, you know I'm here for you no matter what but in a few minutes, people are going to start coming through those doors and I know you- you won't want them seeing you this way."  Eddie said, reaching out and wiping the tears.  Bobby was still for a second before nodding.

"You're right." She said, standing.

"Good girl." Eddie said, moving to pick up the stacks of paper. "Take these to your office, I'm going to get you some coffee and then, we can talk."

Bobby nodded, smiling at Eddie. He was usually the first to indulge in drama or emotional moments but today he was being very rational. So, she grabbed the papers and moved towards her office, finding some comfort in knowing that she could count on Eddie to take care of her when she wasn't quite well enough to care for herself.

A few minutes later, she noticed how people really did starting trickling in and she realized she would have been mortified if they had seen her.

"Now." Eddie said, setting down the cups of coffee and closing the office door behind him. "Talk to me."

Bobby took a deep breath and then she opened her mouth.

"She's pregnant." Bobby said, making Eddie raise a brow.

"Who is?" He asked but his eyes widened. "Oh shit. What?"

Bobby was still, she didn't even flinch as she told Eddie everything that happened the night before.

"I don't know what to think." She said softly, trying to form a coherent thought. "It's not like he betrayed me, He was dating her first. I don't blame her, of course, how could she have known this would happen?"

Chasing Mr. Carlton ( The story of a Shrew's Son)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant