Part 46

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"You okay?" Eddie asked, looking at Lisa who was staring at a blank page in her notebook without saying anything. She was taking deep breaths and seemed to be lost in deep thought.

"Hey, Lisa?" Eddie asked again, prompting her to look up at him.  She blinked a couple of times before nodding.

"Yes, I'm sorry. Maybe I'm not feeling my best but I'm exhausted. It's been a hectic few weeks." She replied, muttering more to herself than to him. Eddie frowned, he knew she was working herself harder than she really should be in her condition but he didn't know how to tell her to slow down without making it obvious that he knew.

He almost felt sorry for Lisa, which was weird. She had almost everything going for her- she was beautiful and educated, came from a good family in a good financial position, and she was an executive for one of the top companies in the world. Yet, here she was, having  a baby with a man who was in love with someone else... and she didn't even know it. Sometimes Eddie really just wanted to sit her down and set her straight. After all, she wasn't some crazy, unreasonable young girl, she was in all reality a very nice lady and she deserved to know that the person she was looking at was no longer looking at her.

"Maybe you should take a couple of days off, for self care." He said, and she smiled, shaking her head.

"Not possible right now. We have so much going and a big press conference next month... there's no way." She said.

"You're health is the most important thing." He said and she seemed to consider it.

"Yes, you're right and maybe after next week, I'll take a long weekend.  Right now, I really have to get all this in. I'm on a deadline." She said. "But I promise, as soon as I can, I'll take a day."

Eddie sighed and nodded. She was as stubborn as Bobby. In fact, those two were more alike than they would ever know. He was sure that in some alternate universe, they might have even been friends... but he knew that it could never be the case now.

"Alright. You win. I'm going to take these over to Danny, then to Kevin." Eddie said, taking some forms he had her sign. She nodded, handing him an envelope.

"Can you get this out today?" Lisa asked.

"Yes, ma'am. You have meeting in 10, with Brian and Nora." He reminded her and she nodded, looking around before picking up some papers.

"Right, then I'll walk out with you. I need water." Lisa said, standing and moving towards him. Then she stopped, placed a hand flat on the desk and leaned.

"Are you okay?" Eddie asked, noting how she closed her eyes.

"Yeah, I am." She said, but she placed her free hands over her stomach and sighed.

"Nope, you need to sit." He said, helping her into a chair. She shook her head but sat down nonetheless.

"I'm really fine, I just got up too fast." Lisa replied and Eddie raised a brow. He knew she was lying, he knew she wasn't feeling well at all but what could he say, how could he make her see that what she needed was to go home and rest?

"Let me get you the water and then I'll have Brian and Nora meet you in here instead." Eddie said, making her look up at him. "You did want to show them the board you're putting together, after all."

Lisa seemed to think about it for a second. It was true, she did have the big board to show them, although she had intended to wait until the end of the week. She needed an excuse to move around as little as possible.

"Okay, please do that now." She said, standing slowly and moving back around towards her chair.

"Right away, boss." He said, smiling at her.

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