Part 54

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Eddie watched as Bobby stood in the breakroom, peeling oranges and then sprinkling them with lucas. It was a pretty normal thing to do to fruit in Texas but Bobby had never really been too much of a fan.

She took her time as she did so, filling a big bowl.

"Hey." She said, "Stop staring."

"How do you always know?" Eddie asked, walking towards her.

"I dunno. Can't you feel when someone is staring?" Bobby asked and Eddie shrugged.

"If I can, I never notice." Eddie said. "But I feel sorry for you If you can, with the way that man is always staring at you."

Bobby shivered.

"He's looking isn't he?" She asked and Eddie looked towards Michael who was making copies but looking in their direction.

"This is getting really creepy." Eddie said, "Maybe you should mention it to Emma."

"I don't want to overreact." She said.

"How is it overreacting? The man is making you uncomfortable." Eddie said.

"He hasn't done anything to me." Bobby said.

"He kissed you." Eddie said.

"And I punched him. That was the end of that." Bobby said. "he hasn't tried talking to me once."

"He keeps staring." Eddie said.

"It must be awkward for him too." Bobby said, "Look, he finally left me alone so just let it go. If anything else happens, I promise I'll report it."

"I still don't like it." Eddie said. "But okay."

Just then Bobby's phone began to vibrate on the counter. The screen was cracked but she'd refused to go get another. It was still a perfectly good phone. Still, even with a cracked screen, he recognized the Unknown on the caller ID.

"Are they still calling?" Eddie asked, surprised. He was sure they would have left Bobby alone.

"Yeah, well they're probably aware I have Ruth now." Bobby said.

"You think they're going to try to get her back?" Eddie asked. "Maybe you should get a lawyer."

"I think I might. Although I'm fairly sure they'll be able to see she's better off with me, I want to be prepared." Bobby said, turning to the big bowl of fruit with a grin. She moved it aside, before carefully washing what she had used.

"Plums?" Eddie said, noting the small bag of plums she pulled out of the refrigerator. She nodded, washing one and putting the rest back.

"God, don't tell me you skipped lunch again." He muttered, watching how she ate, tiny little mouse bites and a matching smile giving away how much she was enjoying it.

"No." Bobby said.

"Hey you two." Nora Carlton said with a smile as she walked in and filled her coffee mug. "Wow, that looks good."

She walked over to Bobby, looking at the bowl of oranges.

"And citrusy." Nora continued, moving back to her coffee mug.

"I know. You should see how many limes she squeezes into her water lately." Eddie said, prompting Nora to turn to Bobby.

"Really?" She asked, raising a brow and leaning against the counter. "Why not just have lemonade?"

"No, I like this better." Bobby said, taking a bit out of the plum and then using the fork to put another orange slice in her mouth.

"Alright, well I'm back to my desk." Eddie said, leaving Nora and Bobby alone.

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