Part 55

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Brian watched Nora from across the room. She was vigorously typing, her lips moving as she did, an adorable habit she didn't realize she had and one of the many reasons he was always staring at her.

She was full of adorable habits. It almost made him sad that in another week they were done, another week and they would officially be retired. With everything that had been going on, Nora had suggested delaying their last day so that they could help. He'd considered it, especially with Lisa resigning but in the end, they'd decided to continue as planned. Matt and the others would have to learn to handle things like this without them.

Now, he sat watching her, like he had on so many other countless occasions. He would miss it. He would miss watching her while she worked, the way her eyebrow twitched when she was frustrated or the simple sound of her nails clicking on the keyboard.

On the other hand, now they had all the time in the world to themselves and he had already promised her that their first order of business was at least a week locked away in their room, no phone calls, no emails and no kids. She'd laughed at him as he declared it, told him he'd go crazy in less than a week. He told her, she'd be begging to drop into the office and so they made a loving wager to see who would crack first.

"You're never going to finish reviewing those books like that." She said, without looking up and he smiled before looking back down at his desk.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Carlton, won't happen again." he said, making her chuckle. God, how he loved that chuckle. Still, he tried to focus. They had a lot of numbers to go over, had a lot of reports to double check. While for him, it hadn't been so hard to let go of most of his duties to Matt, Nora had to introduce a brand new person to the company and the system. Matt had practically been CEO for the last year and Michael was brand new- so there he was, watching the world's most beautiful CFO have a heart attack day in and day out as she tried to get it all done.

"That's what I thought." She said, glancing at her watch and letting out a groan.

"You know, if we don't finish this week, it's fine. We can come back part time and finish next week." He said and Nora shook her head.

"Oh no, Mr. Carlton. You promised a week with no interruptions..." She said, making him look at her with a grin.

"Motivation." He said with a wink.

"Yeah, I want to cash in on that soon, you're not getting any younger." She said, a big smile forming on her face.

"Wow." He said, shaking his head. "ouch."

Nora laughed and turned to look at Brian, removing her reading glasses. She stood slowly, moving towards him. She didn't say anything, she only inched closer and closer to his desk, putting her fingertips on the surface.

"Nope, not gonna work." Brian said, without looking up but he watched the pretty hands that grazed the surface of his desk. She still didn't say anything, she just traced the desk, her long, slim fingers and perfectly polished nails... She knew what she was doing, she knew that he'd always loved those pretty hands, especially when they traced his skin.

Nora now stood on his side of the desk and he couldn't help it, instinctively he turned towards her, watched as she ginned. She moved her hands from the desk to his arm, then casually wrapped them around his neck as she got comfortable on his lap.

"Well?" She whispered, biting her lip.

"Well, what?" He asked, raising his brow.

"Am I forgiven yet?" She said and he smiled, ear to ear.

"Not a chance." He said, making her raise a brow. "You need to be punished for that one."

Nora chuckled, loving every second with him. She leaned in, tongue between her teeth and then kissed his neck. Then she whispered softly, making his toes curl.

Chasing Mr. Carlton ( The story of a Shrew's Son)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora