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Ruth walked into the foyer, gently sliding her jacket off her shoulders before turning to lock the door. It was after midnight and she was exhausted. She'd planned to be home earlier but a drink after dinner with a friend had turned into a unplanned stop at a party and... she'd had to sneak away.  She hoped with a sigh that Bobby wouldn't realize she was just getting in- or she'd definitely scold her, after all- they had a big day coming up. Ruth would need to be on her A game tomorrow... or today... whatever. The point was that Bobby needed her. It was strange that no one at the wedding was coming from the Bride's side... except maybe Eddie.  Of course, Nora and Brian Carlton loved Bobby, but there was more than a couple of socialites out there who made it known they didn't think she was quite good enough. She frowned as she thought of that stuck up Blanca. To think that for a moment, she'd actually like the cantankerous old b...

She had just made up her mind to grab a snack in the kitchen before heading upstairs when it dawned to her that all the lights were still on. 

"Hello?" Ruth said aloud as she walked into the living room. She stopped at the large double doors, her eyes shooting around nervously as she noticed the people in the room. "Oh god, what's wrong?"

In the living room, Nora was sitting with an arm around Bobby, who was clenching her own hands nervously.  They looked up, only just realizing she was in the room. 

"Ruth." Bobby muttered, shaking her head and turning back towards her hands and wringing them nervously. Ruth moved towards her, looking to Nora questioningly. 

"It's Beatrice." Nora said softly, giving Bobby's shoulder a squeeze. Bobby sighed and looked at her hands as if inspecting the pretty manicure she'd had done that morning but really she was noting the way her fingers trembled violently, regardless of how she tried to control it.

"I got some more coffee." Georgina said, appearing suddenly and then turning in surprise to Ruth. "Oh Ruth, thank goodness you're home."

"What happened to Bea?" Ruth said, looking up at Georgina, her voice caught in her throat. She was afraid, nervous about what she might hear. 

"She's missing." Georgina said softly. 

"What do you mean?" Ruth asked incredulously, standing and walking towards her. "How can she be... did you call the police? Where's Matt?"

"Matt and Damian are searching the house again. Brian..." Nora began to say in low calm tones, "Brian is on the phone with a friend of ours from the police department."

"I don't understand. Where is Bea? What in the world happened?" Ruth asked, eyes wide. She put her hands to her head and took a sigh, trying to remain calm. She had a short temper, everyone knew that, but it was obvious that she was trying to remain calm  for Bobby's sake.

"We came home after the party. Everything was fine, the sitter handed us the monitor and I swear, I swear..." Bobby said, looking at Nora nervously, "I swear I could hear her snoring on the other end."

Bobby almost chuckled despite the tears. The sound of Bea's soft snoring was one of her favorite sounds. She slept soundly if she could hear it.

"Shhh, it's okay. It's okay. Matt will find her, you'll see. She has to be hiding around here somewhere." Nora replied soothingly but Bobby shook her head.

"What if she's not?" Bobby asked before putting a hand over her stomach. "Oh god, what if..."

"Hey... don't say that. I'll go find Matt and I'll be right back." Ruth said, turning and stalking out of the room as quickly as her feet could carry her. She was nervous. How long had Bea been missing if not only Nora and Brian were here, but Damian and Georgina too? Would the rest of the Carltons be on their way shortly?

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