Part 61

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"Matt, stop. Just stop." Brian said as Matt tried to leave the building.

"Why? I know where she is and I'm going to pick her up." Matt said, trying to go around her.

"You're not going there alone." Brian said, "First of all, we have no proof he has Bobby and secondly, if he does, it means he's dangerous."

"What's going on?" Nick said, walking into Matt's office, where Brian was trying to stop him from running out.

"That lunatic took Bobby." Matt said, making Nick frown.

"Michael?" Nick asked.

"Stop, we don't know that." Brian said.

"I'm not going to sit around here when he might be halfway out of town for all we know." Matt said.

"We'll call my friends downtown, have one of them go by and take a look." Brian said.

"I'm going there now. I'm not waiting." Matt said.

"Nick, help me talk some sense into him, please." Brian said.

"Matt, I'm coming with you." Nick said, making Brian turn to him in shock.

"What?" Brian asked. "We don't know that he has her."

"Dad, Matt's not going to listen to us. He's going to go, so call your friend, tell him to meet us there and we can handle this now. But letting more time pass, won't help." Nick said.

Brian stared at his two sons- why were they so calm?

"alright, I'll call from the car." Brian said, making them look at each other. "I'm coming with you."

"Fine, I'm driving." Matt said, leading the way.

"Listen, I know you guys have to have your big Macho moment." Nora said, trailing behind them. "But what exactly is your plan? You're going to show up to his apartment and what? knock on the door? Ask if he Bobby is there? This is absolutely crazy."

They continued walking, not stopping.

"I mean, you should wait for the police. What if something happens?" Nora continued.

Still, no reply.

"No, you're not doing this. I absolutely forbid it." Nora said, stomping her feet. Brian, Matt and Nick turned to face Nora, who was more than just visibly concerned.

"Baby, listen to me." Brian said, taking her aside for a second. "Matt is really upset. Someone from the police is going to meet us there- I promise everything will be fine."

Nora stared at him, her lips pouted as if she was about to cry.

"I hate you." She muttered and he smiled, lifting her chin to him.

"I'll call you." He said, kissing her quickly before turning back to his sons.

Nora stared after them for several minutes after they were gone, so long that eventually Emma came out to find her.

"They really went?" Emma said, putting a hand to her forehead.

"They really did." Nora said with a frown.

"Seriously, why does this keep happening to you guys?" Emma said and Nora shrugged.

"I have no idea."


"Shake him." Ruth said as she and Bobby stood over Michael. They'd managed to drag him into the living room but he hadn't moved at all and he was so heavy.

Chasing Mr. Carlton ( The story of a Shrew's Son)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang