Part 47

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"Good Morning, Matt Carlton's office."

Bobby almost stopped in her tracks when she heard Ben say the words. It was so strange to hear someone else answering the phone and taking his messages.  She smiled at Ben, pointing towards Matt's door. They had a meeting scheduled with Brian and Nora. Ben nodded, motioning for her to go on in.

"Hi." She said simply, with her usual perfunctory knock but she stopped, noting that he was not alone.

"Hey Bobby." Lisa said with a smile, glancing down at her watch. "Do you two have a meeting?"

"With my parents." Matt said. "But I'll still make it today, no worries."

"Great. Then I'll meet you downstairs at 2." She said, moving from where she'd been standing on his side of the desk. "Have a good meeting."

Bobby watched the scene a little disturbed by it. Of course, it hadn't been the first time she'd walked in and saw Matt and Lisa being cozy and in reality, it seemed like a very innocent meeting but she froze.

A few months ago, she would have apologized and backed out of the room but now she could only stare and wait for an explanation she had no right to demand, especially when she hadn't really walked in on anything.

"I'm early." She said but Matt shook his head.

"Nope, my parents are late." He said, his hands in his pockets as he watched her. She just stood there, opposite end of the office, unsure what to do or say. It was so unlike Bobby to do that, she was always so assertive.

"I can come back." She said without moving.

"No." He said, motioning for her to sit. "They'll be here in a bit."

Bobby nodded and moved towards one of the chairs near his desk. She opened her notebook and pretended to go over something, anything to avoid looking up at the dark eyes that she was sure were completely fixated on her.  Matt watched her closely, not sure what to say. It seemed that anything he said was never the right thing but he didn't want her to think he was giving up. That was the last thing he would ever do.

He knew that Bobby loved him and as long as that was true, he would not give up on her. 

"I have to stay tonight to work on something for EPI." He said, "I'll be out for a couple of hours around 2." He said simply, not knowing what else to say and trying to fill the awkward silence. 

"I'll make a note of that. You don't have any calls except for one at 4pm." She said quietly. 

"I'll be back by then." He said. Again, there was the silence as they both searched for something to say.

"Do you need me to stay as well?" Bobby couldn't believe she'd blurted it out. The silence had been so awkward that she said the first thing that ever came to mind. Matt considered this- he should tell her the truth. No, she could go home and rest. 

"Yes, if you don't mind. I have a lot to go over and it would be great if you could set up the boards for me." He opened his mouth and said the words without even realizing he had. Bobby and Matt stared at each other, both unsure as to why they said what they did.

"Okay, no problem." Bobby said, looking back down.  Matt watched her, sitting there looking so sad and so he stood impulsively, ready to walk towards her and Bobby looked up at him, wondering what he was going to do...

"Sorry about that- call ran late." Nora said, bursting in through the door and making them both look at her in surprise. "Are you guys okay?"

Nora looked at Matt and Bobby who looked like they had just seen a ghost. She raised her brow, wondering what they were up to. Instinctively, she closed the doors behind her back, leaning against them and watching at how Bobby now averted her gaze and Matt ran his fingers through his hair- the same way he always did when he was stressed.  Was there something she should know about? Then, when she might have opened her mouth to say something... the doors burst open and she toppled forward. 

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