Part 62

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"Hey Bobby, glad you're feeling better." 

She kept hearing it over and over through the morning.  People telling her they were glad she was back and that they missed her, telling her they were sorry to hear she'd been sick. It turned out that the Carltons, knowing Bobby would not like anyone to be aware of what happened, had told the staff that she'd been out with the flu. 

That simple. 

In reality, Bobby spend the week waiting in vain. She kept her phone on her at all times and not once did that idiot call or even text her. 

"After all the crap he put me through, you would think he would at least text me to see how I'm feeling?" Bobby said, feeling annoyed. "He hasn't even had the decency to apologize."

"Maybe he was trying to give you some space. It was sort of a traumatic event." Eddie replied. 

"Ha!" Bobby replied, "So why hasn't he come up to me at all today? You know he passed right by my office earlier and didn't even say hi. Didn't even smile."

"Bobby, it's been busy. You were out a week and that was ANOTHER person we didn't have." Eddie said. 

"Please don't remind me. I feel guilty enough as it is." Bobby said with a groan. 

"Stop. I didn't mean it that way. You needed to take the time off." Eddie said, "And we did fine. Trust us, you taught us well."

"You guys really did. Maybe they really don't need me here." Bobby said thoughtfully. 

"I wouldn't go that far." Eddie said. 

Bobby didn't say anything, she just continued to stare blankly onto the floor. She'd been at Lida and Volstak for almost 8 years now and she really couldn't imagine working anywhere else but more than anything she couldn't imagine not seeing Matt everyday. 

"So, when are you telling him?" Eddie asked. 

"Telling him what?" Bobby replied. 

"That you want to spend the rest of your life with him." He said, making Bobby roll her eyes. 

"Eddie, get out of here before I hit you with this coffee mug." She said, shaking her head and Eddie laughed. 

"Fine, you win for now but only because I know now what you're capable of." He said, making Bobby turn red. It was true, she and Ruth had gone just a bit overboard with that pot but fortunately, the police understood they were terrified and Michael had lived to see the florescent lights of a prison cell. 

Bobby looked around the floor then, her eyes stopping as she finally found his. There he was, hands deep in his pockets as he watched her. It never ceased to amaze her- the way he took her breath away. There was something about the way Matt Carlton looked at her that affected her deeply. 

There was only one logical thing to do. She would have to talk to Matt, tell him to grow up and get it together so that they could finally be together.  Period. She nodded to herself in newfound determination. There was simply no other way. Being direct was the best way to avoid any more drama. 

He'd seen her talking to Eddie, then after he left. He'd seen her lips moving as she was muttering to herself. It was a habit she had that she hadn't really noticed yet. Matt smiled. She was such a ridiculous and angry little woman and he found her absolutely adorable. There was nothing like watching Bobby talk to herself when she thought no one was looking. 

Matt realized now that they had let too many things come between them much too easily. It was no use- he could not imagine his life without her. He would just have to talk to her and tell her to get over it and put her pride aside so that they could finally get together the right way.  He'd been thinking about it all week but he knew she needed time, knew that she needed some space. 

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