Part 32

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"Matt?" Bobby said in a low voice.

"Hmmm?" it was a soft sound, one that made her toes curl as he planted kisses on her cheek and then her chin... before trailing down to her neck.

"Matt, we really need to finish." She said gently but her eyes were closed and her fingers had stopped moving on the computer keys several minutes before.

"But I really need to kiss you." he said, moving his kissed back towards her chin and stopping just short of her lips.

"Not here... what if someone walks in? Besides, we really have to work." She said, making him roll his eyes and stand up. She opened her eyes and watched him move away, feeling slightly disappointed that he had listened to her. Still, she turned back to the computer, determined that they should get work done.

"Fine but you should know this is really frustrating. You won't go out with me because you're afraid someone will see us so this is pretty much the only time I get to be alone with you." He said, moving back towards the desk and putting both palms down. "And believe me, Bobby, I NEED time alone with you."

Bobby looked up at him, noticing how he was looking at her. He'd been giving her that look more and more and although it frightened her, it also fascinated him. He was so handsome, so ridiculously handsome.

"I'm sorry. But we said we would wait before telling people." She said, trying to focus.

"I know but..." He said, putting a hand through his hair. "I miss you."

She laughed.

"I see you everyday. How can you miss me?" She said.

"It's not the same." He said, his voice low. She smiled, enjoying the way he watched her, enjoying every word.

"Okay. Well... I don't think we can go out without being seen by someone but..." She said, "How about I come over to your place and we have dinner there?"

Matt stared at her for a few seconds.

"Unless you don't want to? I would have suggested my place but it's farther. I don't have to come over if you don't want me too..." she began to ramble, thinking when he didn't respond that maybe it had been rude of her to invite herself over.

"No! No, of course. I would love it if you came over for dinner." He said, stopping her.

"Are you sure?" She asked, worried.

"Yes, come over whenever you want." He said.

"Okay, Friday?" She asked and he nodded. "Good. Now, can we please get back to work?"

"Can I get a kiss first?" He asked, smiling at her. Bobby sighed, watching as he moved back around the desk to her. She still wasn't used to it, this much affection.  She was still as Matt leaned in towards her, his lips lightly grazing hers as she closed her eyes... the arrhythmia taking over. Then, when she would have let him reach out for her, a knock on the door made them jump.

"Hey Matt... oh, hey Bobby." Brian said, walking into the office casually.

"Hi." Bobby said without looking up from the computer, her fingers moving although she was typing pure nonsense.

"Hey, what's up?" Matt said coolly. Somehow he'd managed to make it around to the side of the desk and was now holding some documents.

"Nora and I need to talk to you." Brian said.

"Oh,  I can leave..." Bobby began to say, moving to pick up her stuff.

"No, not necessary. Actually, Matt why don't you come see us in our office when you're free." Brian said.

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