Part 6

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"Ohhhhh Bobby!"

Bobby looked up from her desk where she was carefully typing an email.

"Yes?" Bobby asked in a serious tone.

"Bobby- I need your help." Nick said, making her hook a brow.

"What can I do for you?" She asked with a smile.

"Teach Danny how to use the large machine in the copy room." Nick said.

"Sure." Bobby said, looking around for Danny. Unfortunately, only Bobby had been present the day they installed that thing and so far, very few people had bothered to try learning to use it. It wasn't hard- it was just tedious and most people didn't use it often so they forgot.

"Where is she?" Bobby asked, wondering why she hadn't asked her directly.

"She's downstairs making a mess with the copy machine." Nick said with a chuckle. Bobby's eyes opened wide as she sprang forward from behind the desk and towards the elevator.

"Hey, Bob..." Matt began as he stepped out of his office. "Hey, where's Bobby?"

"Saving Danny from copy room death." Nick said, shaking his head.

"That thing again, huh?" Matt said.

"Yep." Nick said, "we should probably insist on all the assistants learning to use it."

"I should think so. I guess I'll make copies of these myself." Matt said, looking around and noting Eddie was also gone from his desk.

"She's going to be great as Director." Nick said suddenly, making Matt turn towards him.

"That again..." Matt said, shaking his head.

"Haha- come on. You know mom's been designing that job with Emma just for her." Nick said.

"Yes but I never agreed to giving up my assistant." Matt said.

"You'll get a new one, supervised by the master of assistants herself." Nick said.

"It's not the same to have an apprentice when you've had the master." Matt said with a sigh, walking over to the copy machine. Nick followed.

"Sheesh, they way you guys fight I thought you'd be happy to have her out of your hair." Nick said with a grin.

"Are you kidding? I'm not sure I'd survive without her." Matt said, immediately turning red and making Nick laugh.

"So you admit that she's indispensable? The girl sure solves all your problems." Nick said.

"You tell anyone I said that..." Matt began but Nick shook his head.

"My lips are sealed." Nick said.

Moments later, the elevator doors opened with a ding and both Bobby and Danny came out.

"Oh my god... What happened?" Nick asked, making Matt look up.

While Danny was relatively unscathed and carrying the rolled up plans she'd been sent to copy, Bobby's clothes were covered in black powder and she had one hand over her left eye.

"I broke the copy machine." Danny said quietly.

"Hush- WE broke the copy machine." Bobby said with a sigh, moving towards her desk. "And my glasses."

Matt stared in amazement as everyone began to turn, confused by her appearance.

"Explain." Matt said, following her as Danny hung her head low while chatting with Nick.

"Danny got the originals jammed in the barrel. It's a large printer and if you're not guiding properly, the paper bunches up. Anyway, it was the only copy of the original so I turned off the printer and opened it up to pull it out." Bobby said, taking her hand off her eye to reveal an already black eye.

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