"I didn't know I was tired, until now." Seb replied as he rolled over onto his back and made space for her. "And you're not fat, you're a hot pregnant mumma."

"A milf!" Chloe giggled as she got onto the bed next to him.

"Most definitely." He looked at her as she settled down beside him. "And I can't wait to do that." His smile faded for a moment. "That's not why I brought you here, I just want to point that out."

"I know, it's fine, stop worrying." She smiled and then let out a breath as she relaxed. "This is bliss already."

"It is." Seb closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the sea as gently lapped around and underneath their villa.

"Have you been here before?" It was a question she'd been dying to ask him.

"No, I've not been to the Maldives at all, I thought it'd be too touristy. I asked Britta to find us somewhere as private as possible with zero chance of being papped and she came up with this place."

"She's done well." Chloe mused as she moved onto her side, closer to Seb.

"Yeah, she's done real good. I know that when it comes to the car launch and winter testing the media will be all over us and that's partly my fault for guarding our privacy so fiercely now, but it's important to me that we have this time now before it all gets out there."

"You mean when the bump breaks cover? I'll be fifteen, nearly sixteen weeks gone when we get to the launch date."

"Yeah." He lifted his arm in an invitation for her to cuddle up, and she took it, shuffling closer and laying her head on his chest. "When they see you're recovered and pregnant it will probably go a little crazy."

"Let's cross those bridges when we get to them hey?" She closed her eyes.

"Mmm." Seb replied, quickly feeling dozy and trying to ignore the sudden bout of anxiety he felt at the thought of the media being all over his wife.


Opening her eyes sometime later, she found that Seb had disappeared and she rolled onto her back, looking up at the wood panelled ceiling while she got her bearings. She could hear the sea underneath the building, then she could hear someone swimming in the pool outside. She sat up just in time to see Seb reach the end and turn effortlessly in the water to begin another length. Her brows raised, Sebastian Vettel in nothing but a pair of swim shorts was a sight not to be missed so she got up and padded out of the open doors onto the terrace, coming to a stop at the pool's edge to watch as he reached the other end, turned under the water and started to swim back to her. When he reached her, he stopped and swam to the edge, he looked up at her.
"Get a bikini on and get yourself in here." He said, leaning on the edge. "I don't want to train on my own."

"You're training?" She looked surprised.

"Just a few lengths, that's all. I had to promise Heikki I'd do it. Come and join me." She looked a little uncertain and he knew she'd be thinking about her scar.

"I might chill on a lounger." She said pointing to nearby sun bed.

"Get changed and get in here, it's great." He pushed away from the edge and went back to swimming.

"Jeez." She muttered, it wasn't just her scar that worried her, she'd be stripped off in front of Sebastian Vettel and that felt kind of weird, in an 'I can't believe this is actually happening' kind of way. She walked back into the bedroom, at first she had no idea where their luggage was, but then she noticed how the wall at the back of the bed was a floating wall, not joined on to anything. She ventured behind it and found herself in a walk in closet, with her suitcase next to Seb's on the floor. Unscrambling the numbers on the padlock, she soon got into her case and pulled out a khaki coloured bikini. Feeling self conscious already, she began to get changed. By the time she'd got the two piece on, her fragile self confidence was on the floor. Although the bottoms still fit, just, the bikini top was a little too small. Being pregnant meant that it wasn't just her belly that was getting bigger, it seemed that her breasts were swelling at an alarming rate. She groaned as she looked at her reflection in the mirror, she'd also put a little weight on around her waist and definitely on her behind and her scar still looked red and ugly, she didn't know what to do. She was tempted to get dressed again, she couldn't let Seb see her like this, not in this state.

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