LAW Update. Ectsasy & Agony 4

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It was eight AM by the time Chloe was finally allowed to leave her bed for any length of time. Throughout the night she'd only been allowed to get up to get a drink of water but now the time had come. She was finally going to meet her babies.

Seb still felt tired as he pushed her down the corridor in a wheelchair. He'd barely slept last night, his head was too full of worrying about the twins and his wife and the chair he'd tried to sleep in had felt far from comfy. The day had started early for him with phone calls to share the news of the twins' early but fraught arrival but at least now plans were being made for Chrissie and David to fly over from the UK while his parents were coming over from Germany today. That was one less thing to worry about. Tomorrow the daily journeys would start as tonight Chloe was being discharged and that would mean leaving the twins behind, something that neither of them were really looking forward to.

Chloe's mind was already full of what Seb had told her following his visit to neonatal during the night. Even though she kind of knew what to expect, she still felt anxious. How was she going to feel when she saw these two tiny babies? She'd not been able to have that first skin to skin bonding time with them, she'd not had them placed on her chest straight after their birth and still covered in fluids and blood; what if she didn't feel anything for them? What if that maternal instinct that she'd had last night had disappeared?

As they approached the door a member of the team saw them and held it open for them and she was wheeled into the bright, slightly noisy, scary and unwelcoming room. Like Seb, she soon spotted the incubator containing 'baby Vettel A' and 'baby Vettel B'. That was going to be the first thing to change. Then she saw the two tiny, delicate looking little creatures inside what she thought looked like a clear plastic prison. She simultaneously fell in love with them and felt heartbroken and terrified at first sight. With tubes, wires and sensors attached to them, the shock was instant even though she'd known what to expect from Seb's photos on his phone. She broke down into tears, feeling like she was trapped in some kind of nightmare.

"I know liebe, I know." Seb cooed softly as he bent down to hug her. "I felt exactly the same last night."

It took a few minutes before she could speak and she slowly rose from her chair to get a better view. Her chest and her throat ached with still unshed tears as she looked at her two babies. She couldn't even properly see her daughter's face, it was partially obscured by the tubes from the ventilator.

"Good morning, I'm Anna, I'm overseeing your babies today." A friendly looking woman with plaited blonde hair appeared by Chloe's side. "How are you feeling? I know it must be quite a shock to see them like this."

Chloe could barely speak and instead just nodded mutely.

"How are they today?" Seb asked, linking his fingers with his wife's free hand in a silent gesture of his support.

"Stable, they've had a good night and a feed with the milk you expressed Mrs Vettel." Anna placed a supportive hand on Chloe's back, she looked as though she was about to burst into tears again. "We're supplementing their food too but your stuff is the best we can give them so keep up the good work with the pumping, you're helping them more than you realise."

"When can I hold them?" Chloe asked, it was all she wanted right now.

"We'll see where we are in twenty-four hours time. What we do here is to allow parents some cuddle time twice a day, during tube feeds so hopefully tomorrow morning."

She nodded again, feeling her mood sinking even lower at the prospect having to wait another day before she could even hold her babies.

It was Seb's turn to feel helpless as tears silently rolled down her cheeks. "They're in the best place." He murmured in an effort to lift her spirits.

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