Just Him. Norway. Unused version.

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Looking at her reflection in the mirror as she applied some clear lip gloss, Chloe stared at the strange woman looking back at her. Wearing a black all-in-one that basically consisted of two strategically placed bits of lace and several straps and ribbons, she didn't feel like herself at all. How had Eva been able to persuade her to 'dress up' for Seb like this? Oh yeah, wine. That's how.

"Beautiful." Eva appeared next to her at the mirror, her warm brown eyes sparkled with anticipation. What was she doing in her and Seb's bedroom? "They won't know what's hit them." She placed a hand on Chloes lower back making her give Eva a small smile back as she tied the ribbon around her short black robe. As Eva stood next to her in a black bra that barely contained her breasts, tiny black briefs and black stockings, she couldn't help but feel self conscious. This already felt wrong. She watched in the mirror as Eva slipped on a silky black robe, but didn't bother to tie it up. "Come on, let's go and see our boys." She flicked her long, wavy dark brown over her shoulders as she left the room and Chloe hesitantly followed. She heard Steef whistle and call out as Eva sashayed into the lounge ahead of her.

"Hey, sexy lady!" Seb popped his head around the doorway to see her standing there in the hallway that lead to the bedrooms. "Where's my show?" He walked towards her, wearing nothing but a pair of black sweatpants, she felt hot just by looking at him.

"I....I'm not sure...." She was silenced by Seb's hungry mouth on hers, she could feel his hand pull at the tie on her robe, pulling it undone. He stepped back and his eyes lowered, taking in every inch of her that he could see. He bit his bottom lip as he reached out and trailed his fingers over the black lace.

"Fucking hell Chloe." He breathed. "You make me want to kiss every inch of you." He placed his hands on her hips and gently pushed her back against the wall. "I don't think I've ever seen you look so hot and sexy as you do now." He lowered his head and started to press hot, open mouthed kisses to her skin, working his way around her neck and up to her lips. He felt her relaxing against him and she let out a moan before he silenced her with a deep, soul shattering kiss.

"Hey! You two!" Steef's booming voice broke their lust fueled moment. "Bring the party out here guys!"

"We've been called." Seb stepped back, smiling broadly.

"Why don't we go and have a party of our own." She took his hand to stop him from leaving, straight away he could see the apprehension in her eyes.

"They go tomorrow, let's have some fun with them tonight." He went to her lead her to the lounge but she tugged on his hand, stopping him. "Relax, nothing will happen that you don't want or without your agreement. You're in control, I promise." He kissed her forehead and watched as she let go of his hand and tied the ribbon around her robe tightly, hiding her body away. He shook his head, smiling at her he pulled the ribbon undone again. "You have the most amazing body, don't hide it." He took her hand again and lead her back to the lounge. Either Seb or Steef had put some music on and a sexy, sensual track filled the room with deep throbbing base and almost angelic sounding voices. Three small candles were lit and placed on the coffee table, along with bottles of wine, vodka and whiskey and a single lamp was lit in one corner of the room. "Here, I poured you another glass." Seb handed her a glass, this was not the glass she'd had earlier, or indeed the same the drink. "It's vodka, the vanilla one you like." He added as he watched her examining the glass. She was glad that he had given it to her and not Steef, otherwise she'd have refused it.

"Thanks." She murmured softly as Seb sat down and then patted his lap. He wanted her to sit with him and she smiled as she sat down, grateful that he was keeping her close.

"Wow Chloe!" Steef's brows raised. "Eva said you looked hot, but she didn't tell me you looked this fucking hot!"

"Thanks." She mumbled, she felt as though his eyes was burning her skin and she started to pull her robe back around her until Seb stopped her, taking her hand and raising it to his lips before placing it on his chest. She eyed the clear liquid in her glass before chugging it down, hoping it would ease her nerves as Steef returned his attention to his wife, kissing her hungrily and sliding his hands over her body. Hannah must have been wrong about an affair, Eva was clearly still crazily in love with her husband.

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