LAW Update. The shock

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"Baby number one....." He paused to point at their screen. ".....and this here is baby number two. Congratulations, you're expecting twins."

All of a sudden there wasn't one baby visible on the screen but two.

Seb gasped, spluttered and then half laughed, "Oh mein gott!" Withdrawing his hand from his wife's clutch he leant forward, on his elbows, temporarily covering his face with his hands. When he lowered them from his eyes, he looked to the screen again. This couldn't be real! He had to be dreaming! Smiling and biting his bottom lip, he blinked a few times and looked at the screen again, this time through watery eyes. Twins! He was going to be father to twins! He could only liken this feeling to when he'd won his first world driver's championship; it was disbelief and pure joy.

Next to him, on the bed, Chloe was stunned and shocked, happy that there wasn't anything wrong with her or the baby but absolutely petrified at the thought of having two babies. She stared at the screen; there had to be some kind of mistake, maybe it was a problem with the ultrasound machine and it was making them see two of everything, maybe this was Seb pulling the ultimate practical joke.

Turning back to his screen, Gabriel continued as if he hadn't got two very shocked people in his room, "They're definitely at twelve weeks in terms of size and development. Given the date of your last period and what we see on the screen here I'm giving you a due date of August seventh."

Wiping a happy tear from his cheek, Seb looked at his wife in complete admiration. This woman had given him everything he could ever wish for; love, affection, support, stability, happiness, a son and now twins. Right now there were no words in this world that could tell her how happy she made him. Chloe however, looked to be in shock as she stared at the screen, unblinking, her eyes wide and lips parted. He started to worry; she was okay wasn't she? She was happy about this too, right?

"I need to sit down." She uttered in a higher pitched voice than normal.

He exchanged a look of concern with Gabriel who, at first, had looked amused by her reaction. He took hold of her hand and then stood up to rake his fingers through her hair, just above her forehead. "You are sitting down, you're laying on the bed."

"Jesus Christ." She muttered to herself; no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't make that monitor image change, there was definitely two babies. At that moment her mind decided to show her a glimpse into the future, an image of a one year Luis having a meltdown because he felt like he'd been sidelined by his own mother in favour of her two newborn babies, who were also screaming at the top of their lungs because she wasn't able to keep up with their demands for her breast milk.

"Liebe?" Seb brought her mind back to the present and she looked at him, her eyes still wide with shock.

She propped herself up on her elbows and turned to Gabriel. "Are you sure there's definitely two in there? Are you sure it's not your machine going wrong?"

"Absolutely positive, you're carrying twins." He confirmed then smiled and added, "Congratulations Chloe, this is a good thing, you can believe it, you can be happy."

"I know it's a shock liebe but don't overthink it....."

"Don't overthink it?" She looked back at Seb, raising her brows, her tone warning him to tread carefully. He was joking, right?

"Don't go thinking too far ahead and imagining worst case scenarios, that's what I meant." He reasoned with her. "You won't be alone, you'll have me around as much as I can be and when I'm not there, I'll make sure that have either your parents or mine with you. I'll even hire someone if it helps you."

Gabriel decided to keep quiet and start printing some images for the couple; he'd dealt with shocked parents of multiple pregnancies before but they'd always been thrilled once it had sunk in, it seemed that Chloe was different and didn't share in the same joy that her husband did.

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