LAW Update. Ectsasy & agony

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Today marked her first race day without being there to support her husband and it was safe to say that Chloe was not enjoying having the house to herself. Despite his promise that she wouldn't be on her own, Seb's mother had been unable to come to stay with her as she'd been feeling unwell and so Chloe had found herself home alone for this Grand Prix weekend. As he'd left to fly to Azerbaijan on Wednesday, today marked the end of four long days without her precious Sebastian. She'd struggled without him, finding her sizeable bump something of an impediment as it hindered her when doing some basic things and she'd missed him terribly. After her false alarm in Monaco, when she'd mistaken Braxton hicks contractions for the real thing, she'd since convinced herself that she was going to go into labour early and Seb being away just made it worse. Now she was thirty-one weeks pregnant she knew that her twins had a very high chance of survival if they did come early, something that Seb had pointed out to her more than once, but it still didn't stop the ominous feeling that she woke up with every morning. Seb, of course, had done his best to try and reassure her and had even forked out extra money to fly by private jet so that he knew he could fly home at short notice if he had to. But with Azerbaijan being a good three to four hour flight away, plus the time it would take to travel to the airport there and from Zürich airport to home, she knew that realistically he could take up to six hours to get home and that was scaring her. But that wasn't the only thing that had been bothering her. Her insecurities had resurfaced and her self confidence had nose dived due to her size and seeing images of Seb with Britta, Sophie or a young blonde girl (whose name she was yet to find out) was making her mind think all sorts, especially where Britta was concerned. She tried to tell herself that she was, in her words, being a twat but photos of Seb and Britta with an arm around each other (taken just after a driver's safety briefing) had really rattled her. All it did was remind her of a photo of the two of them in his Ferrari days that she'd once been sent by Stephen where they'd looked far too close. Britta's closeness to Seb right now just irked her, not only because Chloe was too fat to get that close to him herself but also because she still missed the days when she'd worked for Seb and had been able to spend much more time with him. Now it felt like he saw a lot more of Britta than he did his own wife and it had left Chloe feeling sidelined, jealous and stupidly suspicious. She'd spoken to him numerous times over the last few days, he'd FaceTimed as often as he could and not wanting to worry him, she'd plastered on her best smile and not mentioned how hard she'd been finding things and how she was feeling. He had his race to concentrate on, why would he want to be bothered with her silly, neurotic, paranoid worries? And how would he feel if he did know? The trust issue would be sure to rear it's ugly head again.

Relaxing (or at least trying to) on the sofa with her feet up and her legs stretched out in front of her, she tried to stay focused on the race. If she'd thought that watching it would take her mind off of her issues then she'd been kind of right, it had, but since Lance's tyre blow out and crash into the wall her nerves were all over the place and her nails had been bitten into nonexistence.

The twins had been unusually quiet with their movements today though the Braxton hicks had been niggling away since early this morning. The pain wasn't as bad as it had been in Monaco (she was minus the trapped nerve) but it was still a nagging, twisting, tightening kind of pain that was beginning to annoy her and caused her to keep fidgeting.

And then Max Verstappen happened. Suffering an identical tyre failure to the one that Lance had, the Red Bull was out of the race from the lead. Chloe felt awful for him, it was only a few laps before the end and she could only imagine how heartbroken he must be, especially as Lewis was now free to retake the lead in the championship standings. But then her eyes settled on the running order as the safety car was deployed and her heart leapt up into her mouth. Seb was now third. Grabbing the remote that laid on her lap, she hit pause and let it sink in. Seb was on for a podium finish. His first for his new team and the first one for Aston Martin. When she hit the stop button to bring the footage back to its live status again the race had been red flagged for a few reasons that included the obvious one of clearing the track but a less obvious one that enabled all teams to change their tyres amid safety concerns for the hard, white marked, tyres.

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