LAW Update. An early arrival?

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May 2021, Monaco.

Chloe rubbed her large but tender belly as she stood outside looking up at the rear of the beautiful five bedroomed property that was home for the Monaco Grand Prix weekend. It felt unreal that it was two years since she'd last been here, so much had changed. Last time she'd been Sebastian Vettel's girlfriend and had stayed here with his parents, his daughters and his ex. Their stay had been eventful with Leonie's brief disappearance after her parents had argued outside a restaurant and who could forget what had happened on the pool table with her gorgeous Seb? Now she was his wife and was staying here with his parents and their first child together, Luis, while inside her their unborn twins were getting ever closer to their big day.

Seb smiled as soon as he found his wife outside, looking up at the large house, her eyes full of memories. It was a sweet, precious moment, a gentle reminder that at the end of 2019 her mind had been cruelly but thankfully temporarily, wiped of all of their most special moments together. He'd already been and found the games room but with her being so heavily pregnant he knew that a re-match wasn't going to happen this year, at least the memory of what they did in that room was still fresh in his mind. "There you are." He announced his presence, making her eyes dart to meet his.

Noticing him wearing his logo'd long sleeved tee, she knew that he was ready to head down to the track - without her.

"Liebe, we agreed that it's best for you to stay here. It'd be too much for you at the circuit, all the walking from hospitality to the garage, all the time on your feet....." He stopped beside her, turned to face the house and took hold of her hand. He could tell by her face that she still didn't like the idea of being left behind. " get tired easily at the moment, you're suffering with back pain and pain in your hips, it's best if you stay here and rest."

She tried to smile as he let go of her hand and slipped his arm around her to bring her closer to his side. "I just didn't envisage that my last race weekend would entail me staying away from the track."

"We didn't expect you having to stop travelling so soon." He replied, leaning in to kiss the side of her head. "But we'll manage, the team are well prepared to let me have as much time at home as possible. We will get through this, we can get through anything, I promise."

"Yeah." She nodded and sighed, she'd have to get used to life with Seb not by her side quite so much. It was time to start becoming less dependent on him and learn to be on her own sometimes. She rubbed her belly as it ached, no doubt it was coming out in sympathy with her back. Seb was right, as much as she wanted to go with him, it would be too much right now and at least this way she'd also be safe from the pesky paps that loitered around the circuit. As the pain suddenly increased she groaned and slowly rotated her pelvis to try and ease it.

"Does it hurt that much? Is that normal?" Seb asked, moving to face her and place both hands on her big bump. It felt quite hard beneath his palms, a sign of her muscles tightening. Surely they weren't contractions? The babies weren't due yet, this would be far too early.

"It's just Braxton hicks but they're quite painful." She admitted, finding the warmth of his hands quite soothing. Hearing Britta calling him from inside the house, she knew that he'd have to leave now or be his usual famously late self arriving at the circuit.

"Are you sure that's all it is? If you think you need to see someone then just say the word and I can call Lawrence and tell him I'll be late." He looked from her beautifully round belly to her equally as beautiful face, it was etched with pain.

For a second Chloe was tempted to tell him to call Lawrence but as the pains were getting no worse and were just sharp but annoying cramps, she decided it was best to say nothing more and to let him get on with his day. "I'm sure it's nothing more than that, I'm feeling it more with two babies that's all. Now go before Britta starts to stress out more than usual about your timekeeping, I know you've got a fairly heavy schedule today."

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