Heartbroken 3

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Scarlett stood in her hotel room staring numbly at her own reflection in the mirror. She felt like she was the last person to find out, the very last one to know, now all the sympathetic looks she'd been getting off of Mattia, Antti and Britta made sense, now she knew why Seb had been avoiding her all weekend. It had been hard enough finding out that he'd secretly married after the Canadian Grand Prix, now she'd found out this his wife was expecting their third child and was due over the summer break. Somehow the German press had found out and when he'd been asked about it in the press conference he'd not denied it, he'd just smiled and thanked them. Agreeing to stay on until the end of the season felt like the worst thing she'd ever done. Turning around, she eyed the bottle of vodka that stood on the nightstand. Getting completely out of it felt like an excellent idea, vodka would erase the pain - at least until tomorrow.


She skipped the team meal, choosing to have a liquid alcoholic meal alone instead, so by the time she headed to the bar where everyone was meeting she was already drunk. She entered the large room, music was thumping loudly and the place was packed as she looked around for faces that she knew, and for him.
"Hey Scarlett!" Antti appeared by her side, making her jump. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's fine. I need a drink." She looked at him, it took him seconds to see that was drunk.

"Why don't we go and take a seat over there." He pointed to where a black leather sofa was unoccupied and slipped an arm around her waist to guide her. He knew the reason for her drunken state, she'd found out about the baby, social media was awash with the news. He felt a flash of anger towards Seb, why the hell couldn't he have just told her instead of waiting for the 'right moment' which had never come? He took a moment to admire her just before she sat down, she was wearing an extremely short metallic pewter dress with such a low slung neckline that he was amazed her nipples were covered and it had a dangerously high slit up one side that finished just below her hip. There was no way she could be wearing any underwear with this dress, it simply didn't allow for it. She looked sexy as hell and beautiful even though she was clearly emotional. No, emotional wasn't the word. She was a train wreck, a beautiful, sexy train wreck. He wanted to go to the bar and get her a bottle of water but he didn't want to leave her incase she disappeared, she was a loose cannon right now and he knew that if he didn't stay with her then Seb's secret affair would soon no longer be secret.

"Why didn't he tell me?" She asked suddenly, making his eyes dart quickly from her body to her face. He tried to think carefully and quickly about his answer, Seb was in this room somewhere and if he said the wrong thing and she saw him then the results might not be pretty. "About the baby, why didn't he tell me?" She added.

"He wanted to, he just couldn't find the right moment." Antti looked down at his lap, even he knew that Seb's excuse was shit. He looked back up at her, she was starting to cry. "Why don't we get you back to your room?"

"Why, worried I'll blab and tell everyone that he's not so perfect after all?" She sniped back.

"No, I just don't think you're doing yourself any good by being here." He reached out and tucked a few stray hairs behind her ear. Her expression softened and her gaze locked on to him, making his heart flutter and his cock twitch with interest. "You deserve so much better, you know that don't you." He murmured.

"No." She shook her head. "I'm the woman who goes after other women's men, I let my heart rule my head and leave destruction behind me, except that this time it's me that's being destroyed. I'm just getting what's been a long time coming to me, that's the price you pay when you fall in love with the wrong man."

"I'm sure that's not true, you don't deserve to suffer like this." He looked ahead to see Seb approaching them, he did not look happy to see his trainer with his ex-lover. Seb felt an explosion of lust and jealousy as his eyes settled on Scarlett, he knew she was wearing that dress for only one purpose, to draw attention to herself and to make him jealous. It was working. She stood up as he stopped in front of them and her tears immediately bought him back down to earth with a bang.

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