L.A.W. 21 Unused version.

465 6 3

Saturday January 25th. Kitzbühel, Austria.

It's too bright, too windy, too bloody cold and I'm bored. Maybe I should have stayed at home, I'd have been one hell of a lot warmer. Sat in the front seat of small grandstand with a load of rich people that she didn't know and thought were elitist and way too far up their own backsides, Chloe was freezing cold in spite of the numerous layers she had on that she felt made her look like the Michelin Man (google it if you don't know!). With gloves on, a scarf around her neck and even a bobble hat on her head and after downing three hot chocolates, she was still shivering and now she needed yet another pee, it soured her mood further. With the World Cup event over and the charity races yet to start, she hadn't seen Seb for over an hour; in fact she'd not seen much of him at all today since they'd arrived here and checked into their hotel. He'd spent most of the afternoon with Bernie Ecclestone, a former boss of Formula One and a good friend of his, and she'd only spent time with him when he'd sat next to her in the stand to watch of the World Cup event. She tried not to feel too peed off; after all, she'd been the one who had pleaded her case and argued to come here when he'd wanted her to stay at home and he had been very reluctant to leave her side especially as there'd been a lot of media interest when they'd arrived. As Seb had expected his wife's presence had created quite a stir and although she'd received a lot of well wishes and people were saying how good it was to see her recovered and looking so well, it had been clear to see from his facial expression that he'd found the amount of questions being thrown at them and the amount of tv cameras, press photographers and general public thrusting mobile phones in their faces uncomfortable and intrusive. Luckily, with all the layers and the thick padded coat she was wearing, no one guessed that she was pregnant and they were both happy to keep it that way. But as a result it seemed to have made him even more wary for the first couple of hours that they were there and had not put him in the best of moods. However; seeing him now on the course with Bernie, having driven some kind of snow mobil to arrive in from the top, he looked in far better spirits and actually quite relaxed as he chatted and laughed with people, not even seeming to mind a photographer snapping away at him. He's got no ass in those jeans which is odd because when he's naked he's got a really sexy ass. As boredom set in even more, Chloe found her mind wandering to places it probably shouldn't while she was surrounded by such well heeled guests. Fuck, I really need to pee now. She looked to her left at the empty seat vacated by her husband and then to her right at the long line of people she was about annoy. Behind her she could hear a woman trying to talk quietly but failing miserably, she couldn't help but listen in, especially when she heard the name 'Michael' mentioned.
".....did you not see it in the papers? She's the one who slept with him years ago, then his wife found out and went totally crazy. Honestly, you couldn't write this stuff! I'm surprised that Sebastian is still with her and hasn't divorced her, you should have seen the images that got leaked, they were almost pornographic. I'm sure it's not done his profile any favours whatsoever and I'm certain that's why he had such a bad season last year."

Having heard enough, Chloe got to her feet, threw the woman a disgusted look and, muttering apologies to everyone, hastily made her way along the line of people and then down some steps. She felt mortified and ashamed and close to tears. She should have stayed at home, maybe this is what Seb had really meant when he'd said he wanted to protect her - from vile gossips like that woman. As she got into a small cafe/bar and went into the ladies toilets she was debating whether she should just go back to the hotel and stay there for the remainder of the afternoon. At least she'd be able to defrost because right now she could barely feel her fingers or her toes. She removed her gloves, undressed her bottom half and sat down and then grabbed her bag to rummage for her phone, deciding that she could text Seb to let him know where she was going to be. Going back to the hotel seemed like her best option, she couldn't face going back to sit near that woman again and the thought of a nice warm bath and then a nice warm bed suddenly swung it for her. Seb wouldn't miss her if he was busy with Bernie. While she peed she quickly composed a text.

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