LAW update. The scan

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Saturday January 23rd. Zürich, Switzerland.

"Have you heard when you'll next be in the UK?" Chloe asked as they left behind the sanctuary and peacefulness of their home. With it being Formula One's off-season she'd quickly got so used to the lockdown lifestyle with him again that leaving their home to go anywhere felt like they were emerging from their safe little bubble. At the start of the week, Seb had made a short 'work trip' to the UK to visit Aston Martin's Silverstone base for a seat fitting, meetings and a day in the simulator. It was trip that had only been 'leaked' to the media once he'd got back to Switzerland and one that his wife had been unable to accompany him on. He'd also managed to squeeze in a couple of viewings on properties that he'd been looking at online, keen to make a UK base for his family and Chloe was keen to go and view them for herself. She also wanted to visit her parents in Southampton but with the UK in the middle of another national lockdown, visiting family was not advisable and neither was the travelling as she'd have to quarantine for at least five days and then get a test or quarantine for ten days without one. It was frustrating because Seb would inevitably have to spend a bit more time in the UK before the season got underway and as things were right now, that meant time apart.

Concentrating on the road and pulling over to make room for passing farm machinery he replied, "No, not yet. It would probably only be another brief visit though."

"I wish I could come and view those houses for myself, it's not the same looking at them online."

"I've actually been thinking about renting somewhere first until we can both be there to view properties. The team own a few houses in the vicinity of the base but they're only two bedroom places. They're ok for me to stay in on my own but not really practical for us once the new baby arrives. Plus I've got Sophie and Britta to consider too, they'll need somewhere to stay."

Feeling nauseous, she took a drink from her bottle of water. "Would the team let Britta and Sophie stay in one of their houses?"

"I'm going to suggest that. Are you still feeling sick?" He asked as he glanced to see her raising the bottle to her lips once more.

"It comes and goes, at least it's not as bad as last time."

He reached a hand across and lightly patted her rounded tummy. "Twins." He stated teasingly, knowing that it would wind her up.

"If you want my blood pressure through the roof when we get there then keep saying that." She shot back, unamused. Now she'd reached twelve weeks, her bump was still noticeably bigger than it was when she was expecting Luis. Although there was no history of twins in either of their families, just the thought of having twins was terrifying her. There was no way on earth that she'd be able to cope with a one year old and two newborns. "And if I am having twins, then you're getting the snip." She added resolutely.

Seb winced and then shifted in his seat, the thought of having a vasectomy was as terrifying for him as the thought of having twins was for her. "It won't be twins, it's probably just a big baby or you're carrying more fluid." He replied to try and make them both feel better.

"Cheers." She droned sarcastically. "I'm not sure I fancy pushing out a huge baby when I hit nine months, I think I'd rather have a c-section."

"Anyway, you're not that big. You just think you're bigger than you actually are." He tried to ease her fears.

"I already can't fit into clothes I wore when I was carrying Luis, I'm definitely bigger." She countered, looking down at her coat covered tummy.

"Maybe but you're not that much bigger. Try not to worry and overthink everything." He placed his hand on her thigh, upturned for her to link their fingers together.

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