LAW Update. I love you loads

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Tuesday July 20th. UK.

"You ok?" Seb asked, his voice a little deeper than usual as he resisted the urge to fall into a post sex slumber. He drew small circles on her shoulder with a single fingertip, going round and round endlessly while treasuring how wonderful it felt to be laying together like this, with her head in his chest, his chin resting on her head and their limbs still entwined.

She moved a little bit, trying to get closer to him although with her body laying fully against his that was impossible. "Yeah, why?"

"You've been very quiet over the last few minutes. Stop feeling guilty, we'll be flying home tonight."

She stayed still at first, now she was thinking about how nothing got past him. Sitting up, she looked down at him. His hair looked damp and messy and his body looked and smelt a bit sweaty, just like she did herself. But she didn't care, not after the things he'd just been doing to her.

He met her gaze and reached up to let his fingers brush idly over her left nipple and then upwards until he was touching a prominent love bite on her collarbone. How she was going to disguise that over the coming days he had no idea and he didn't really care. Let everyone see that she was his.

"It's just that I'd said be back Sunday night, I kind of feel like I'm taking the piss." She confessed, oblivious to the mark on her collarbone.

"We'll be back tonight and then tomorrow morning we have that meeting with the lead consultant neonatologist, we'll find out when we can bring the twins home." He smiled, feeling excited at the prospect of his babies being home before the week was out. "Don't feel guilty. You enjoyed yesterday didn't you?"

It was her turn to smile. After his visit to Slough yesterday morning, he'd come back, they'd showered together and then gone out to view a house. In typical Seb style, the place turned out to be a £2.2million, six bedroomed farmhouse, not far from Bicester, complete with acres of land and farm buildings. He'd viewed it just under a week ago and had fallen in love with it and now he had big plans to have it renovated into an environmentally friendly, carbon neutral property capable of generating all of its own electricity via solar panels and a wind turbine. He also wanted to fit a state of the art water filtration system after finding out that the house could be supplied with water from a nearby spring, charging points for electric cars and turn a lot of the land into wildflower meadows complete with bird and owl boxes and of course, bee hotels. Like him, she'd seen the appeal of the place and it's potential to be turned into something even greater. She was also attracted by the privacy it offered and the swimming pool in the large back garden. They'd agreed on putting in an offer and were now waiting to hear back from the estate agent. "Of course I enjoyed yesterday." She replied, taking her turn to trail her hand down his body at a leisurely pace while keeping her eyes gazing lovingly into his. "But it doesn't stop me from feeling guilty and feeling like I should be back in Switzerland."

"We'll be back tonight, I promise." He said before biting his bottom lip as her fingers glided down over his abs. He smiled smugly as she reached his reawakening erection and her eyes widened in surprise as her hand wrapped around him.

"Seriously Seb?" She asked, allowing herself to look briefly at his manhood in her hand before looking back at his smug grin.

Grabbing her hand, he soon had her pinned beneath him and he wasted no time in pushing himself into her while groaning, "very seriously."


Chloe smiled to herself as she entered hospitality to have lunch with her husband. She couldn't recall the last time she'd had so much sex, Seb had flicked a switch inside her on Thursday and ever since then she'd found herself constantly lusting after him. And as for him; well she wasn't sure where he was getting all his energy from, he'd been just as up for it as she'd been and had happily and very willingly given in to her every craving. As he had been over the last few days, he was looking seriously tasty with his race overall low on his hips and his fireproof top clinging to his upper body in the hot, sweaty conditions. But then Seb could be wearing and doing almost anything and she'd still be wanting to rip his clothes off. Even watching him while she helped him to clear up litter from the main straight grandstand on Sunday evening had been oddly erotic. Meeting his gaze across the room, her smile got bigger beneath her mask as he patted a vacant chair next to him. He'd already been tucking into some kind of rice dish but she wasn't hungry for food. This was crazy, she couldn't drag him away from his team and his lunch just because she wanted sex. Could she? Sitting down next to him, she removed her mask and politely said hello to everyone - placing a hand high up on Seb's thigh.

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