LAW Update. Monaco '22. Part 2

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⚠️ Just a little warning for you! This chapter contains mentions of and a scene of anal sex. If you don't like it or don't feel comfortable then this won't be the chapter for you. It's not too graphic however and if you are reading on then I hope you enjoy it! AB xxxx

He suddenly looked apprehensive, what did he have in mind for his prize?

"If I win then we try something new," his voice had gone quiet, lacking his usual confidence in a way that made her wonder what on earth this new thing could be.

She tried to think quickly on the spot, if he'd gone all Fifty Shades on her with the spreader bar and that gorgeous tasseled, dark brown leather flogger then maybe it was something else related to the film. Handcuffs? A vibrator? An actual whip? Her stomach jolted, did he want to whip her or cane her? Did he have nipple clamps? Was he going to tie her up with rope?

He could see her mind racing and so he pushed aside his fear of how she'd react and just came out with it, "if I win we try anal."

She gasped in shock, her body jolting as if she'd just been poked with an electric cattle prod while her hand flew up to her mouth and then swiftly moved to her behind.

This was going to be a hard sell, he could see that already. He pulled out a plastic tube from his jeans pocket, "I have lube," he began, knowing that if he didn't reassure her in the next thirty seconds then it wouldn't happen. From his other pocket he produced a couple of condoms, "and I'll use one of these while we try it because I still intend to properly fuck you afterwards so I know I'll be clean. I know you can get infections if we're not careful."

Her mouth fell open and her eyes were nearly out on stalks. She didn't know if she should laugh hysterically or just leg it. "You've actually researched this!" she exclaimed in shock.

"Well, yeah," he admitted, "I wasn't going to go into this completely clueless, you know." He finished with a small shrug and a smile that she always found utterly irresistible.

"And we'd just be trying it?" she asked cautiously, "unless I win."

"If you win you get me pleasuring you and making you cum until you pass out," he grinned, putting the lube and condoms back in his pockets. "And I promise, we'd only be trying it and if you don't like it then I'll stop the second you say so. I don't want to hurt you."

There was a shelf on the wall behind her and spotting the cue chalk, she picked it up and began stroking over the tip of her cue, meeting his questioning gaze as he waited for her response, "best I make sure I win then," she smirked, "that spreader bar has got my name written all over it."


Seb hadn't anticipated that a game of pool would take so long. A glance at the clock made him thankful he hadn't got to leave their idyllic bolt hole and venture properly into Monaco until Thursday - it was now 3.25am.

They were both naked, both stripping off early in the game in the hope of forcing each other to make a mistake. His wife had tried all sorts to distract him, from 'accidentally' dropping the cue chalk in front of him and bending over to pick it up to standing at the opposite end of the table and touching herself.

Right now she was in the lead by one shot, having sunk six of her spotted balls to his five stripes. She was looking confident as she bent down enough to see if her last ball would make the centre left pocket.

It would. And once she'd sunk that then it was just the black 8 ball to go and then Seb would have her ankles cuffed in that spreader bar and she'd be completely at his mercy. She couldn't wait and she tried hard to ignore the heavy, achy, pulsing feeling between her legs as she stood upright and prepared to take her shot.

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