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"Kate, you ok?" Martin Brundle patted his young wife's thigh as he drove his black Jaguar XJ.

"I'm fine." She answered, keeping her hand on her churning stomach and her gaze directed at the uninteresting view outside the window that was whizzing by them. Martin moved his hand back to the steering wheel, knowing that she didn't like him touching her too much. A small cry emanated from behind them and Kate sighed; she felt exhausted, just over three weeks of near sleepless nights was taking it's toll on her physically and emotionally. Maybe going to Silverstone with her husband wasn't such a good idea.

"Do you want me to pull over so you can check on him?" Martin glanced in his mirror at the cars behind them.

"No, he'll be ok. I'm not pandering to him every time he cries." She said, failing to hide the annoyance in her voice.

"He's three weeks old, he won't just cry for no reason." He glanced at her; he knew what this was, it was post natal depression no matter how much she tried to say she was fine and that, combined with the fact that she was taking her son to his first race and was putting herself at risk of the child's father finding out he had a son, is what had got her into the nervous, impatient, emotional state she was currently in. He'd tried to talk Kate into staying at home but she'd had three weeks of staying in and was desperate to go somewhere, anywhere, even if it meant causing herself further heartache. Martin's marriage to the woman who was twenty-five years his junior was a closely guarded secret and had been no more than a business transaction, made ten years ago after his twenty-two year long marriage had broken down. She had been his PA at the time and had just come out of a toxic relationship, she had been craving stability and he had wanted companionship and someone to look pretty on his arm at functions and parties, it had been an arrangement that had suited them both and the £5000 a month allowance he gave her had suited her even more. That was until she started to going to races with him and started catching the eyes of a few formula one drivers, then the allowance had stopped and their fake marriage had all but fallen apart. Last year one man in particular, Sebastian Vettel, had stolen her heart and she'd become locked in an affair with him at the start of last season until he'd confessed to getting to engaged to his long term girlfriend at the last race and had left her devastated and heartbroken. She had then discovered she was pregnant just two weeks later and had taken the decision to not tell her German ex-lover, then in a cruel twist of fate it seemed that Kellan Vettel had been born on the same day his father had married his fiancee, one week after the Canadian grand prix. Any thoughts of telling Sebastian he had a new born son had promptly been quashed.

"Fine." She sighed. "Pull over somewhere and I'll check if he needs changing." Martin nodded in reply and seeing a lay-by coming up he indicated before pulling off of the dual carriageway. By now Kellan's cries were louder and more desperate sounding and he shut off the engine as Kate got out of the car and opened the rear door. She unclipped her son's harness and scooped him up out of his seat, she gave him a quick sniff before holding him against her and within seconds he'd stopped crying. "He doesn't need changing." She said, appearing at the open car door.

"I think he just wanted a cuddle from his mum, get back in, we can spare a few minutes." He patted the passenger seat and she carefully got back in beside him. He watched as she nuzzled her nose against her baby's head and a few tears escaped from her eyes.

"I do love him you know." She sniffed. "It's just so bloody hard."

"Kate, I've never doubted for one second that you love him, I just wish you'd ask for help." Automatically he reached out and tried to wipe her tears with his hand, marriage of convenience or not, he cared for her deeply and always would.

"I want to do this myself." She stubbornly replied.

"Noone is going to stop you from doing things yourself but you're not quite yourself and I think it'd do you good to speak to your midwife or a doctor." He looked at her as she struggled to control her emotions.

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