LAW Update. Bahrain breakdown

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Sunday March 28th, Bahrain.

In a foul mood, Seb tutted and rolled his eyes before setting his gaze back on his tearful wife. He didn't need this. His weekend couldn't have gone much worse with an unlucky qualifying session that had seen him hampered by yellow flags, a penalty given to him by the stewards for ignoring the said double yellow waved flags and then a tricky race today that had seen him make contact with Ocon's Alpine and then receive another penalty from the stewards. Walking away with five points on his license instead of championship points was not what he wanted nor had planned for and Chloe in her usual hormonal, pregnant state had found the whole weekend upsetting and stressful. "For fucks sake Chloe, enough of the tears, I really don't need it." He muttered angrily while looking around the room for something he could throw.

She looked up at him while trying to stop herself from crying, her breaths hitched and unsteady. "I'm sorry, I just feel so sad for you, you've no idea how hard it is......"

"Sad for me?!" He rose his voice, starting to pace around the small room.

Chloe started to feel a sense of deja-vu; it was like Canada all over again, only that time she'd been able to offer herself to him for some 'stress relief', this time she really didn't feel like she could do that, not at twenty-one weeks pregnant with twins.

"Sad at me more like!" He yelled again, making her jump.

"What? No! Of course not.....I just feel bad for you, I know how you wanted this weekend to go well, we all did." She defended herself while staying seated on the chair. Seb was pacing like a caged animal and all she could think of was Canada.

"I don't need your tears of pity, I can't be doing with your fucking hormones and you looking at me like I'm a fucking failure!" He spat, picking up his drinks bottle and hurling it towards the wall. "I can't be dealing with you crying all the damn time!"

Behind them, the door flew open and Britta scurried in looking worried, her eyes went straight to Chloe. "I heard a bang, everything ok in here?"

"What do you think?!" He snarled. "My wife's throwing me a fucking pity party so everything's fucking great!"

"Chloe, why don't you find Steve and ask him to drive you back to the hotel?" Britta had to step in. She'd never worried before but right now it felt like Seb could say or do something that he'd regret later on. He'd never reacted like this after a race, apart from Canada when he'd lost his race win and then Chloe had been able to calm him down. To her, this weekend didn't feel as bad as Canada had but yet for some reason Seb was reacting just as badly to what had happened to him.

Chloe hesitated, torn between wanting to stay with her husband and going back to the hotel to give him some space and time to calm down.

"Just go Chloe." Seb turned his back on her, feeling even worse for making her take the brunt of his anger and upset. At least if she wasn't here, then he'd have one less person to upset. He heard her rise from the metal fold out chair, take a shaky breath and then leave the room while he knew that Britta was still stood there. He could feel her eyes burning into the back of his head. He could sense that she was about to say something, about to tell him how he was wrong to yell at Chloe like he had but her tears and pitiful stare had just riled him further. "Don't Britta, just don't."

"She worries about you." She replied softly while checking her watch, aware that he still had a couple of media commitments to attend to before his de-brief meeting.

He shook his head and bent to pick up his drinks bottle from where it laid under the massage table. "She's disappointed in me." He said sadly.

"Of course she's not, she'll be disappointed for you and that's different."

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