Heartbroken 2

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Scarlett hesitated before entering the motorhome that was the team's 'office block' for the usual pre-qualifying meeting. Looking at her watch she noticed that she was already a couple of minutes late but she had needed this time to psyche herself up to go in. After a long, drawn out phone call with Mattia she had been persuaded to come back to her role, and she had only agreed after insisting that she would work a notice period until the summer break. She was still determined to leave, she was in for a difficult few weeks. Opening the door she was met with a sea of familiar faces, including Mattia himself who smiled and said he was happy to see her. Glancing around she saw there was only one seat left, next to Sebastian. Taking a deep breath she walked over to the seat and sat down, pulling her notepad and a pen from her bag before putting it down underneath her seat, she tilted her head down a bit, making her hair fall around her face like a curtain to shield herself from the intense blue eyes that she could already feel looking at her. She tilted her head back up slightly, facing the front as Mattia began to speak. She felt Seb's leg brush against hers a couple of times, each time igniting a flurry of sparks that travelled over her skin and started a feeling of intense longing. Already this was beginning to feel like torture and she would still have to face seeing him alone to go through his race strategies tonight and that would feel even worse. She was going to have fight hard to stay professional.
"It's good to see you." He whispered as he leant over, as he had half expected, she ignored him but seeing her walk in here just a couple of minutes ago had been the best thing to happen since he'd been here. Even though she looked tired and strained, she still looked beautiful and it had given him happiness and hope to have her here. As wrong as it was, he was still crazy about her, he still wanted her, he still loved her. He watched her writing down a few notes as Mattia continued to speak and then Riccardo.

"Stop staring." She whispered back after a few minutes, she was desperate for this meeting to be over already, she needed to get out of this room and away from him as soon as she could.


Feeling incredibly apprehensive but also angry, she knocked on the door of his hotel suite, he'd been adamant that she come here for their pre-race discussion and to go over data from qualifying together and she'd flatly refused, causing a heated argument until Riccardo had got involved and told her she had no choice. The door opened and Seb beckoned her inside, he looked just as apprehensive as she was.
"Right, let's get this over with." She walked over to the sofa, sat down and placed her file down on the table.

"Scarlett, please, can't we just talk first?" He sat down beside her.

"Isn't your wife here?" She asked bitterly.

"No, you know she rarely comes to races, please just hear me out." He'd been waiting for his chance all day and he wasn't going to let go without a fight.

"No, I'm here to go over your data and potential strategies and that's all." She opened the file and started to flick through the pages.

"Please, I've been waiting all day, I've been desperate to talk to you, I've missed you so much." He took the file out of her reach.

"Seb, give it back, now." She glared at him, her eyes full of anger and hurt.

"Not until we've talked." He pushed the file underneath the sofa.

"Fucks sake Seb, you're impossible, I can't do this." She got up and marched towards the door but Seb had reached her and caught hold of her arm before she even got near it.

"No Sebastian, let me go!" She tried to wrench herself from him but his hold on her tightened, she made the mistake of looking into his eyes and she quickly crumbled. "Seb, please let me go, I can't do this anymore! Is this what you want, to see me cry?! Well I hope you're fucking happy!" She sobbed.

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