LAW Update. Ectsasy & Agony 3

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This was originally going to be one really long chapter (I'd hit nearly 5500 words and still wasn't finished!) but I've decided to split it into two so you get one more chapter in our current update to Seb & Chloe's lives. Enjoy! 😊 xx


"Are you sure there's no way that we can have these babies naturally?" Seb asked on behalf of his frightened looking wife who'd just been given an epidural. "She's been dilating, right?"

"When we checked her previous to this she was at four centimetres. With the cord having slipped through I'd say she's about six now, it's not enough to start pushing and whats happening now is that pressures being put on the cord, putting twin A into some distress. It causes a lack of oxygen and that causes the heartbeat to slow, I'm afraid we can't waste time." Gabriel explained, glancing through the narrow window in the operating theatre door to see Chloe now being helped to lay back down. "Try not to worry, twins born at thirty-one weeks gestation have a high rate of survival."

Seb rubbed his hands over his face, it wasn't just the twins he was worrying about. Chloe was about to undergo what was classed as routine but pretty major surgery, something that she'd take weeks to recover from and adding to the stress of the twins spending their first weeks of life in a neonatal unit "What about Chloe? She'll be okay won't she? Please say that you'll take good care of her in there."

Gabriel patted Seb's shoulder, trying to offer him some reassurance. "Try not to worry, I'm sure she'll be fine and you know she's in the best of hands in there. Let's head in shall we, they're getting her prepared so it won't be long before I can start and we meet these babies."

Seb took a deep, focusing breath before entering the room. It was bright, clinical, sterile and cold in an unwelcoming sort of way and not the kind of environment he'd wanted his babies to born in. He'd wanted, for Chloe more than himself, for them to be born in the same room as their older brother, for them to be born under much more relaxed conditions in a room that had felt more like a homely hotel room than a birthing room. He'd wanted Chloe to be comfortable and stress free, to maybe have some music on in the background and for himself to watch his babies come into the world and have their first cuddle with their mum. An emergency caesarean had been the last thing that either of them had wanted. Wanting to reassure his wife as much as possible, he walked over to where to a small black stool had been placed for him to sit on, next to her head where she laid on the operating table. She looked anxious and to see her hooked up to two monitors (for her heart and blood pressure) with a cannula in the back of her hand, a blue net protective head covering and a hospital gown that had been folded up to her just under her breasts made him wish that he could somehow take her place. Beyond her gown a blue sheet had been clipped over a metal frame, forming a curtain so that they couldn't see what was going on during the procedure and her bump was now being covered in sterile solution before surgery could begin. Beyond them, to one side of the room was team of staff, ready to receive the twins the second they were handed over and two small resuscitation stations, both stocked with equipment to cover any eventuality. "This is glamorous isn't it." He nervously tried to joke, gesturing to the blue surgical scrubs he'd been given to wear for the duration. He'd even been given a net head covering like hers.

Chloe held her hand out to him before he'd even sat down. She was so thankful that he was here, there was no way she could have gone through this without him. "You could wear a bin bag and still look sexy." She replied, trying and failing to smile. "You look as nervous as I feel." She added, noticing how clammy his hand felt as he placed it in hers and sat down.

"We'll be fine liebe, we can do this, everything will work out fine, you'll see." He leant over to kiss her on her lips.

"I'm so glad you're here." She squeezed his hand, her voice becoming higher in pitch along with her nerves.

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