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A/N: Hey guys! I know that everyone is really looking forward to a Possessive update. However, I have honestly been stumped on how to proceed. I FINALLY obtained Netflix (I know I'm slow and way late guys. Don't rub it in.). So, I have started watching the Island episodes to figure out how to continue Possessive. Wish me luck please. Anyhow, I've had a pretty amusing idea in my head in regards to Dia and Kol, and I just had to type it up. I hope you guys enjoy this special treat and well ... ... just keep reading guys. XD

Disclaimer: All Original characters belong to the CW Network, but Diamond and this nice little one shot ideas are mine.

(Kol's POV)

I watched on with a smile, as my darling finished cooking our dinner. Tonight she had decided to cook beef fajitas, rice, and beans. Along, with making some hand-made flour tortillas. I smirked as I recalled Nik's indignant face when I reminded him that, since he gifted her this new house. My darling was no longer going to be cooking for all of us, but solely for me.

I once again turned my attention towards my lovely jewel and smiled when I noticed how happy she seemed. She had done everything on her own. Simply telling me to sit at the table and she would serve me when she was done. I gazed upon her and noticed the slight traces of sweat on her forehead, as she had been kneading the dough for the tortillas. How the front of her shirt had become dirty from cutting the vegetables and from the flour. The small band-aid on her index finger where she had cut herself cutting the meat was also noticeable.

My darling was the epitome of the perfect girlfriend.

She was kind, hard-working, compassionate, and just a bit sensitive. I had had the privilege of seeing many aspects of her beautiful personality. Her happiness, smiles, and laughter were a given. Those frankly appeared to be her default emotions and expressions. I had also been blessed with seeing her gorgeous flustered face of embarrassment or shyness.

Then there were the very few occasions of small frowns, or pouts of annoyance. Lastly, and probably most importantly, there was her sadness and tears. The look of her crestfallen face with small streams of tears trailing down her cheeks. Or, the corners of her emerald eyes brimming with unshed tears. Were all images engraved in my mind. Even so, I loathed seeing her unhappy or sad. It infuriated me to the point l wanted to kill everyone within a one hundred mile radius. Just to see that happiness and smile return.


her anger and fury was not an emotion I had experienced just yet.

It made me ponder as to whether my darling was even capable of feeling or expressing such emotions. Perhaps, I should put that theory to the test.

"Here you go, Kol. Dinner's ready. Now be careful. The fajitas just finished and they're steaming hot. What would you like me to get you to drink? Oh! And I just remembered I have to get the clothes out of the dryer. So, what are you wanting to ... "


She froze.

"Let's break up."

So many emotions flashed across her face that I couldn't keep up. Yet, eventually they settled for the most obvious and expected, sadness. I was just about to apologize and tell her about my little test when she did something quite unexpected. She grabbed the plate she had just placed in front of me and flung it into the sink.


My jaw nearly hit the floor when I gazed at my darling and saw the look of pure unadulterated fury plastered on her face as she glared at me viciously. She moved swiftly away from me and snapped in a tone I had never heard her use.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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