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"What the hell do you mean she cancelled!? She can't cancel! Today is the only day we have to shoot this scene! Where the hell are we going to find a stand-in within only two hours before the shoot! F*ck! F*ck me sideways! This cannot be happening!"

Diamond could very clearly hear the infuriated man from the ice cream stand in the middle of the park. She looked up towards where the Originals were sitting waiting for her to return. Elijah was glaring disapprovingly towards the man, and Klaus appeared to be quite busy on a phone call. Meanwhile, Kol was entertaining himself on a new game he had found on his phone. Rebekah still had not returned from obtaining a purse that had caught her eye. Hopefully it was a purse that was actually for sale and not someone's personal purse.

Once Dia had everyone's ice cream, she made her way towards their table and realized Rebekah had already returned. Dia merely gave them a small smile and handed them each their small cup of ice cream. She was about to take the empty seat next to Kol when she heard a woman speak nervously behind her.

"Excuse me, ma'am."

Dia turned and quickly questioned.


The girl quickly shook her head and rebutted.

"Uh, no, sorry. I was talking to the lady with the blonde hair."

Rebekah merely raised an eyebrow at the woman and questioned.


The woman shifted nervously and explained.

"I know this might sound ridiculous, but do you think you would be willing to be a stand-in for one of our models? We are shooting a music video and she was unable to make it. You are incredibly beautiful and would be perfect for the shot. You will be paid for your time of course. It will not take more than 30 minutes, I promise."

Dia looked slightly towards the Original brothers and wasn't surprised to see they were all now paying attention to what was transpiring. Rebekah herself was staring at the woman with a calm, yet cold expression. The poor girl looked like she was about to cry with the looks the family of original vampires were giving her.

After several seconds, Rebekah agreed. However, only with the condition her family be allowed on set. The girl immediately agreed and they all followed towards the set. Kol immediately placed an arm around Dia's shoulders and guided her towards where the filming would take place. They both wanted to be nearby and cheer Rebekah on.

However, a problem seemed to have arisen as they both heard Rebekah screaming at someone and threatening to kill them. Kol merely smirked, while Dia shifted nervously. Hopefully Rebekah wouldn't actually kill anyone with so many cameras and witnesses around. They both distinctly heard Rebekah shout.

"I absolutely refuse! I'm leaving!"

With that, they watched her storm off set with Klaus following behind her laughing. Dia tilted her head to the side and questioned; what could be so bad that would drive Rebekah away? Kol and Dia were about to leave as well when they heard someone exclaim.

"What about her!?"

They both turned around to see the same woman from before desperately motioning towards them to the director. Dia merely blinked while Kol snarled. The woman began to wave her arms around frantically and continued on.

"She's even better because she's a brunette!"

Dia frowned in confusion, but merely turned away to leave again. However, she was abruptly stopped by the same woman who ran in front of her and quickly explained.

"Your sister wasn't pleased when we told her what she would have to do, but maybe you might reconsider. We'll pay you twice as much as we were gonna pay her. I mean even though you're not as ... What I mean is we'll have our makeup artist fix you up and I think one of my dresses should fit you."

Possessive (One-Shots/Imagines)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن