The Day Diamond Went Crazy

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1.) Fanfiction

"You lying, cheating, jerk!"

"Dia! Listen to ... !"

"I hate you, Kol! Do you hear me? I hate you! How dare you!?"

"Darling, put the vase down! Dia!"

"You want me to put it down? FINE!"


"DIA! I've warned you not to throw ... "




Diamond then proceeded to grab everything in sight. Whether they be books, lamps, or statues, and began to fling them at Kol in a blind rage.

"Darling, if you would just ... "

"Who the hell is Davina, Kol!?"

"Sweet-heart, love, my Dia, it's not my fault Fanfiction authors like to pair me off with her. Though ... "


"Though what!?"

"EVEN THOUGH my affection for you is very clear."

"Not good enough! Try again!"


2.) Rules

"What is all this bloody racket!? Diamond, cease this childish behavior at once!"

"No one asked you, Klaus! So, shut up and hit the road!"

" ... "

"What the heck you looking at!?"

"You insolent little ... "

"Nik, she is more than angry right now. Trust me, you don't want to mess with ... "

"I am not afraid of your puny mate, Kol. Diamond! I am not going to tell you again! This is my house and you follow my rules!"

"Forget you, Klaus! You can take your house and your rules and shove them ... "

3.) School

"Diamond! That's quite enough."

"No! It will be enough when I say it is!"

"Diamond, I believe it quite unnecessary for you to destroy our parlor to communicate your frustrations with my brother. "

" ... "

"Yeah, well ... well ... your brother is mean to me a-and he hurt my feelings and ... I'm not going to school! Klaus and Kol were bullying me and ... *sniff* *sniff* "

"I understand. You don't have to go to school today. Come, let me make you some tea to calm you down."

"Ok, and good because I'll mess up that Davina chick if she's at school."

"Who is Davina?"

"I don't know! Why don't you ask your lying, cheating, brother, Kol!"

"Darling, it's all a misunder ... !"

"Give me a lamp! Give me a damn lamp, Elijah! I'm going to chunk it against his lying, pretty face! Let me through! Let me through!"

"I can't do that, Diamond. Here, why don't you just sit down here on the couch while I make your tea?"


"Ah, and look who's here to give you comfort."

4.) Chucky


"You stay here with him while I get your tea."

"Ok, Elijah. Thank you."

"It's no problem."

*In the Kitchen with Elijah, Kol, and Klaus*

"What the bloody hell did you do to her, Kol?"

"Niklaus, there is no need for that language. Or, for you to yell."

"I didn't do anything!"

"Lies! You have exactly until tomorrow to fix whatever it is you did to her. Or, I'm going to ... "

"Stick a dagger in me and leave me there for another hundred years. Please, Nik, your dagger threats get even more boring as the years pass."

"I am not playing with you, Kol! Fix her, or you'll pay the price for it! I don't care if you have grovel at her feet or marry her! You WILL fix Diamond, or I'll do it my way!"

"How? By painting her a boring landscape with ... "

"That's enough, Kol. Whatever it is you did, or she believes you did. You need to offer her an apology. Diamond seems to be deeply affected by your transgression."

"That's the issue, Elijah. I didn't do anything to her!"

"Ah, yes, and we're supposed to believe that?"

"It's the truth!"

It's was then that all three Originals heard a whispered.

"Come on, Chucky. Let's head out, while we still can."

Elijah closed his eyes, as he heard another fight break out. This time Diamond was having a screaming match with BOTH Kol and Klaus.

"Yeah! Well you two aren't the bosses of me! So, you can both just shove it!"

"Dia! You are trying my patience with this behavior!"

"Oh! I'M trying YOUR patience!? Screw you, Kol!"




"Diamond! If you don't stop throwing ... "

"Shut up, Klaus!"


5.) Music

It appeared as though the universe had taken pity on the Original brothers, as Rebekah finally arrived. All yelling and throwing items ceased, as Diamond listened to the music playing on Rebekah's phone. Diamond's whole demeanor seemed to change, as her cloudy red eyes cleared. Then rolled to the back of her head. Kol caught her just before she collapsed then moved to sit on the couch with her on his lap.

Rebekah looked around at all of the destruction Diamond had made and said in a bored tone.

"Let me guess, you nitwits forgot the witch said Diamond would have severe side effects before the healing effects took place."

Nobody said anything.

"And, you also forgot that music or any type of tune would be able to calm her down."


Rebekah rolled her eyes and continued casually.

"This is why I told you to take her to the dentist, Nik. Spells don't solve everything."

Diamond then seemed to stir awake and began to slowly sit up. She rubbed her sore, puffy, eyes then proceeded to look around the room. She gave a small sad sigh then looked over at Klaus and Kol and said.

"You know, you guys should really stop throwing things at each other and making a mess. That's not very mature."

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