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Kol: *FUME*

Dia: "What?"


Dia: "What?"


Dia: "It's not even like that, Kol. You know that I only ... "

Kol: "How is writing your fantasies about another man you wish to be with not cheating, Dia!? You are my woman and I will not tolerate another man holding your interest! What is so great about this so called, 'Mr. J', anyway? I bet you wouldn't be 'melting in his arms' if I ripped them off and shoved them down his throat! Who in the world is this filthy peasant; and where did you meet him? Nik and I will be paying him a visit as soon as ... "

Dia: "He's not real."

Kol: "I do not care about ... Wait. What?"

Dia: *sigh* "Mr. J isn't real, Kol."

Kol: " ... It doesn't matter! No other man should hold your interest besides me! Real or not! What makes someone that's not even real better than me, huh? He's so much better that you're even proffesing your love to him through electronic messaging! That's ... that's not ... that's unacceptable, Dia! That worthless human gets a love confession and I don't even get a, 'Good Morning', text!"

Dia: "Well that's because you get a, 'Did you sleep well? Remember to put your socks on and I love you', text."

Kol: " ... That ... You ... What I meant to say is ..."

Dia: "Mr. J is a nickname for The Joker. He is probably the best villian in the DC universe as well as being the most well-known villian of all time. Anyway, just recently Jared Leto portrayed him, and I have been getting requests non-stop from my fans to create a fanfic for him. So, I decided to give it a shot. The female is quite easy to portray. Don't make her a Mary Sue and stick to originality and realism in regards to the story and plotline. It's the Joker who is the problem. Anyone can write dialogue and claim The Joker said it. However, not everyone can write what he would actually say or think. In order to portray The Joker accurately. Or, even describe him accurately. You have to, in a sense, become him. However, how do you get into the mind of a person so disturbed and twisted without losing your own mind in the process? It appears I have reached an impasse."

Kol: " ... "

Dia: "What? Is there something on my face?"

Kol: " ... So, this is a story?"

Dia: "Of course it is, Kol. It's a Fanfiction story for people to enjoy. There was never a reason for you to become so upset. Fanfiction is just that ... fiction. It's not real. My female character is someone I created. The way she may view certain things and people doesn't necessarily mean I view them the same way. Now, will you please stop pouting and smile for me, Kol? You know I love you, right? How could you ever think Mr. J could take your spot within my heart?"

Kol: "Come here, Dia."

Dia: "Whoopsie daisy! Ok, I'm in your lap now. Are you feeling better?"

Kol: "Actually I am, darling. Now tell me a little bit more about this so called Joker."

*Two Hours Later*

Dia: " ... However, that's just a theory ... Now, do you see my problem?"

Kol: "I understand completely, darling. Here, let me help you."

The Joker slowly and calmly emerged from the shadows with his hands behind his back. Meanwhile, the man that had attempted to take his woman trembled with fear and terror in the electric chair. The man began to sob and plead for his worthless life as he finally noticed the figure that was approaching him. The Joker's only response was a large, open-mouthed, smile and a light tap to the man's cheek as he pulled out a small pocket knife. The man began to struggle against the ropes binding him to the chair, while the Joker merely pressed the tip of the blade to the man's lips. The Joker slowly dragged the edge down and explained in a sadistic tone.

"As you can see, the blade of this knife hasn't been sharpened in a while."

The unlucky man appeared to take comfort in The Joker's admission. However, that small ray of hope instantly vanished at The Joker's next words.

"Fortunately for you I have all the time in the world. Since, my darling is so strong and dependable. She is covering for me at the moment. Now, let's see how long it will take me to skin your disgusting hands alive for daring to touch her and how long it will take me to gouge out your eyes. I have estimated it will take maybe two hours. However, let's see if we can go a little longer. I've always enjoyed the screaming. It's all part of the fun, you see ...."

Dia: "No! What are you doing, Kol!? Keep writing!"

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