It's A Small World

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"Well, this is certainly different."

"Oh, shut up, Elijah. You were the one that agreed with Diamond to get on this thing."

"Well, yes, however, I did not consider the ride to be like this."

"Come on, Klaus. Quit picking on Elijah. It's not his fault."

"You're right, love. It's not his fault. It's yours. This is completely humiliating. My enemies would have a laugh if they were to see me aboard this childish ride."

"I highly doubt your enemies are hunting you down at Disney World, Nik."

"Everyone just shut up! My darling wanted to ride this ride, so we're all going. You're the least one that should be complaining Nik. Considering you're the one that's making it up to her for throwing away her homework and getting her detention."

"I can complain if I feel like it, Kol. Besides, how was I supposed to know ... "

"Guys! It's starting!"

*Ride Begins To Move Through The Attractions*

"It's actually quite amusing how Americans view other cultures. If you only knew how the majority of them view and portray you, you would not be so happy on this ride."

"Klaus! There's other people on the boat."

"So, what? I only speak the truth, love."

"Wow, I wish I could go see the pyramids in Egypt one day. They look cool in movies and everywhere else, but I bet they would be even more amazing in real life."

"It's humid, boring, and you're not allowed to go to the top."

"Gee, thanks, Klaus."

"Only stating facts, sweet-heart."

"Don't listen to him, Dia. I'll take you and compel whoever I need to in order to get you to the top."

"You don't have to do that, Kol. We can just ... Oh, look a lion! Aw, he's so cute!"

"Dia, it's not real."

"I know, Rebekah. I just think lions are cute in general."

"You won't find them so cute when they tear half of your face off."

"Good point ... Are you filing your nails?"

"Well, what else am I supposed to do while being bored out of my mind on a children's ride?"

*Ride proceeds*

"Wow, Klaus you were right. This ride really is a huge stereotype. I don't know why when people think of Mexicans they think of us with huge sombreros and dancing around in a circle. That's not even cool."

"I told you so."

"So, you really don't do that within your culture Diamond?"

"Well not exactly, Elijah. My family and the majority of Mexican families I know don't do that. However, that dance is the national dance of Mexico and has been passed down for generations. The dance is called Jarabe Tapatio and it is mainly performed during festivals and special events. What I don't like is that many people around the world immediately assume it's something all families know and do on a regular basis. Just like how all we eat are tacos and all men are misogynists or homophobes. Which is a completely ignorant and false assumption."

"I see. That is quite interesting, Diamond."

"Yeah, darling, I never knew you were so passionate about your culture."

"Of course I am, Kol. If I do not defend my people and where I come from then who will? No one. I have to defend my roots."

"Yes, well it appears all roots have finally come together. Look around."

"Wow, a world like this would truly be wonderful. No wars, no discrimination, no hate. Just everyone getting along and working on a peaceful planet. I pray for a day like this to come."

"Well keep praying, love, because I don't think it's coming any time soon."

"You're such a pessimist, Klaus."

"The correct term is realist, sweet-heart."

" ... Hm, so I guess we are reaching the end."

"It would appear so, darling. Did you enjoy yourself?"

"Yeah, I mean I kind of understood what the ride was trying to say. It's intention wasn't to stereotype or offend. The intention was to say, "Hey, at the end of the day no matter where we come from we are all human beings, and we all deserve love."

"Good observation, Dia."

"Thanks, Rebekah. Although there was one thing I didn't actually like or appreciate."

"And what's that?"

"They didn't put the tilde over the 'o' in Adios. I got a 95 on a Spanish test once just because I forgot it. The fact that Disney can forget and no one says nothing kind of bugs me. ... Huh? What's so funny?"

"Oh, Diamond, you are something else."

"But I'm being serious, Elijah. My teacher took off 5 points just because I forgot it. So unfair."

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