The Purge

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A/N: Hey guys! Well here I am again. I know. I know. You're all probably like what the heck? Work on Possessive! It's just that I simply couldn't get these Kiamond scenarios out of my head. They were all so random and strange that there was simply no way to incorporate them in Possessive. So, here's how this works YOU GUYS are going to give me (1-5) random words in a comment, and I will create short, sometimes long, little one shots for each word. This is my first word, so let's see into what kind of trouble Kol and Diamond can get into. Ready? Set. Go!

"This is so exciting! I can't wait to go in!"

"Nik, can you remind me why we agreed to this? It reeks of disgusting humans."

"Because your mate begged and begged and wouldn't stop her insistant bloody music until we agreed to do this. Not only that, but she got Bekah and Elijah on her side. We were outvoted."

At this, I rolled my eyes and said.

"Come on, Kol! It's not that bad. For the first time, in like ever, someone created an extremely realistic Purge attraction. I KNOW we can survive the night."

Klaus scoffed and replied.

"I still do not see why it was necessary for us to wear these white rags."

Rebekah stepped up beside him and said.

"I actually agree with Nik here. These shirts are absolutely attrocious."

I sighed then replied.

"I already told you guys that it's to let us know if we died or survived. The purgers are going to try to cover our shirts with fake blood for the next two hours. If they get us then that means we lose."

Elijah then appeared right beside Kol and said.

"It appears that the event is about to commence. So, the objective is to not get caught. Am I correct, Diamond?"

"Right, Elijah."

I then looked at all of the Originals and said firmly.

"Also absolutely NO killing. If they catch you, take it like a man. Or, in Rebekah's case, a woman, and admit you lost. The paper we signed before entering said that we couldn't touch any of the actors. If we did, they had cameras, and they WOULD press charges. So, everyone needs to act like the 1,000 year old grown ups you are and be mature."

I then placed my hand forward and said with a bright smile.

"We can do it!"

All of the Originals deadpanned at me and made no move to place their hand with mine. I stood there like a moron for several seconds then pulled my hand back in embarrassement and muttered.

"No team spirit."

Then the sound of an alarm started to go off and the gates behind us slammed shut. Kol instantly wrapped his arms around me from behind and pulled me against him. Klaus narrowed his eyes and looked forward. While, Rebekah lifted her chin up and stared ahead. Elijah seemed composed as always, but seemed to be surveying our surroundings. It was then that our guide stood on top of a podium and said.

"Welcome to the first and only realistic purge night for Halloween Terror Night. Now, I am sure all of you read the waiver you signed before deciding to participate. All 50 of you will be locked down in this abandoned make-believe city, and will need to remain alive for the next two hours. If for some reason you are not able to handle the stress. Or, feel like you cannot continue. Please feel free to approach any of the vested officers, and they will safely guide you out. Now, if you by some miracle are able to survive, you will receive a prize when the Purge ends. Now, is everybody ready!?"

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