Chapter 35 - Insight

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We go behind some rock formation that has a hidden cave going down toward the pit.

There's an entire cave system down here. It appears to be a long spiral staircase going down the open endless pit. There are rooms and hallways that all go away from the pit, along the long staircase.

He turns Corrupted...

As do I.

I follow his lead. We make our way through these rooms and hallways, turning left and right every few seconds. There are tons of Corrupted here and it's making me nervous as hell...

"Are we almost there?"

"Yeah... It should be one more left. Here-"
We both say in sync.

Claw... He's staring deep into my eyes... Fuck! Look at Quade, not just me! Shit, he's stepping closer to me!

"You two, fools for considering any hope. Now, you young souls are mine!"



He jumped in front of me with his bone shield. Claw mauled through it with his huge right claw. Quade is vulnerable and down on the ground bleeding...

"Zsen... Go! Ack!"

"Not this time, young soul!"

Claw sweeps his claw just past me as I evade it. I run toward the edge of this murky room where the portal sits. I sprint through the portal...

Quade, he... Fuck! Another person died because of me. Damn! Tears run down my face...

I keep running... I see the base... I need to...


I revert back to my human form. Whew... Okay, I need to get to the gate and get to the Gener-wait... The General! I forgot about the situation.

"Halt! Where is your uniform?"

"I erm... It's been torn and hasn't spawned back."

The two Steel Guards observe me for a moment...

"Wait just a minute... We know exactly who you are!"

Shit, I'm still wanted!

"Look, please don't hurt me. I have important information about the Corrupted."

"Hurt you?"

The two take off their helmets...

The two are nearly identical. They both have the same body shape, facial structure, and height of five feet, seven inches. They both have green eyes and the same hairstyle the only difference being that they have different tattoos and hair colors. Their hair is half shaved but they both have opposite sides shaved off. Their long straight hair is brushed the opposite way from their shaved side. One of the ladies has dark blue hair while the other has a bright pink. They're scary but... in a weird, attractive way.

"Yeah, we could totally kick your ass."

"But why would we?"

"Because... I'm wanted?"

They say in sync.

"That's hot as hell, not gonna lie."

"You are Zsen, right? The Corrupted Wielder?"

"Er, yeah. How do you-"
"That fight you put up with Cleaver-"
"Totally my type!"

"So like, what's the deal? Why are you here?"

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