(27) The End?

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(three years later)

"Higher Kit Kat Higher!" My god child screams at me as I push her at the park. I laugh and push her a little more higher and she laughs.

"LOOK IM FLYING!!!" She screams. She even jumps off and lands on her feet just like I taught her. She runs up to me and jumps. I catch her and laugh.

"You has way too much sugar. Mommy is not going to like that. Just keep it a secret." I whisper and she laughs and nods her head.

"I promise. Can I go get ice cream? Pwease?" She says. I love the way she pronounces please. It's so cute. I smile and carry her inside the little ice cream place.

I place her down and I hand her $30 dollars. "Go get some ice cream and come right outside ok?" I say sternly but not to the point where I scare or be mean to her.

She nods her head and runs up in line. This little girl is too much.

~ Daisy POV ~

Aw man, the line is too long. Plus there's a guy that has a lot of wrinkles on his face and it is creeping me out. Then my turn comes up. I try to see the lady, but I'm too small.

A guy then laughs at me from behind and I start to cry. He squats down and I stop. He is really pretty. He smiles at me and wipes my tears.

"Need help there little lady?" He asks. I nod and he picks me up. I then see the lady and I get so happy. She doesn't look at me though. She looks at the pretty man.

"Can I get chocolate ice cream pwease?" I say and the lady smiles at me and gets me ice cream. The man hands her money and I grab my ice cream.

"Thank you pretty man. What is your name?" I ask.

He smiles and moves my hair out of my face and gives me a napkin. "My name is Addison dear. Where is your mom at?"

"My mommy is home with my daddy. Kit Kat is watching me. Come pretty man. I show you." I grab his hand and we walk out to see Kit Kat.

She smiles at me until she looks at pretty man. "Kit Kat meet pretty man. Pretty man meet Kit Kat. Now can you guys get together and be a family?" I saw and Kit Kat do not move.

~ Kayla POV ~

How the hell is he alive? He should be dead. Daisy looks at me in confusion and Addison just stares at me.

Daisy walks up to my and taps my leg. "Kit Kat are you ok?" I look down and smile at her. I pick her up and she licks her ice cream.

"Kit Kat is fine sweetie. Who is your new friend?" I act like I don't know him. Well actually I don't know who this person is.

She smiles and points at Addison. "That's pretty man. He helped me get ice cream. And he had money too!" She gushes and I laugh.

"Well what do you say?" I look at her. She hands me her ice cream and gets down.

~ Addison POV ~

She gives me grabby hands and I pick her up and place her on my hip. She kisses my cheek and I instantly feel ice cream on it.

"Thank you pretty man. Now can you and Kit Kat be a family now and have babies?" She says out of no where.

Kayla gasps and covers her mouth. I laugh and kiss Daisy cheek back. "I don't know it's up to Kit Kat. What do you say Kit Kat? Want to be a family and have babies?"

Hey guys so you can probably already tell that the book is almost done and I would like to say thank you for reading this book. You guys are great and luv y'all so much 😚❤️

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