(5) New Boy Has A Crush

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~ Kayla POV ~

I don't think I need to tell you how we woke up so let's just skip to when we got to school because that's where all of the drama starts.

Crystal and I walk in and everyone was staring at us. Then out of no where, I felt arms wrap around my waist and I instantly knew it was Addy. He pecks my cheek and turns me around so I face him.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?"

I shrug. "I slept aight considering the fact that Crystal kept on taking the blanket for herself."

"I was cold ok!?" Crystal yells as Jared hugs her from behind and smiles at his girlfriend's outburst.

Then suddenly her eyes open wide for a second like she just remembered something.

"Oh did you guys hear that there is a new kid? He apparently already has his eyes set on someone too."

Jared and Addy didn't like the sound of that at all. In fact, they both growl on cue. That made Crystal and I laugh. I look into Addy's eyes and smile at him.

"Don't worry that person is definitely not me and besides, I would tell him no anyways. I got my eyes set on someone already."

Addy looks deep into my eyes as if he is trying to look into my soul.

"And who is the person? Do I have to kill him?" He growls out.

I smile and decide to tease him. "Now why would you try to kill yourself?" I walk away with Crystal and we both are laughing.

~ Addison POV ~

"She did not just say that to me."

"Oh yes she did partner. Now let's go to homeroom so we can see who we have to hide our girls from." Jared grins imitating a country person accent.

He didn't have to tell me twice. We basically ran to homeroom. The girls were too busy talking so they didn't notice when we walked in. We sat in our usual seats (close to the girls obviously).

Then the teacher walks in with the new kid (above). And as soon as I see his face, I already know that imma have to hurt him sooner or later.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we seem to have a new student. Please be nice to him and be respectful. Show him what our school is about. Please sit wherever there is an available seat." She tells him.

He looks around until his eyes sets on a girl. And you can probably guess who's girl he is staring the hell out of. Mine! I guess imma have to show him that she's already taken.

~ Kayla POV ~

The new kid looks at me and smiles. He walks to me and sits down right next to me. Crystal, who was sitting on the other side of me, was smiling hard. I ignore her and focus in front of me.

"Hi, my name is Jayden. What's yours?" The new kid asks me.

I smile and look over at him and tell him my name. Since the teacher was only taking about random things, Jayden and I had a whole conversation. He's not that bad.

~ Jared POV ~ (surprise)

Already I know that Addison is going to kill this new kid. I'm just grateful that he doesn't like Crystal. I literally just got her and I'm not letting her go that easily. I'll do whatever it takes to keep her by my side.

I look over at Addison and his fists are balled and ready. I pat his back and get his attention off of Kayla and the new kid.

"Dude, don't do anything. She's only having a conversation with him. He didn't try anything yet and when he does, I'll be right next to you beating his ass."

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