(12) Keeping Secrets Is Not Okay

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I wake up and I feel Addy's big ass arm holding me. I smile and turn over to face him. His hair was still messy from last night. I trace his lips and smile. He stirred in his sleep, but doesn't wake up. I peck his lips over and over again until he finally wakes up.

He opens his eyes and smiles against my lips still pecking him. He pecks me back and tickles my sides causing me to laugh. He doesn't even stop. I feel the urge to pee.

"ADDISON IF YOU DON'T STOP IMMA PEE MYSELF!" I scream. He smiles and stops. He moves out of my way and I get up to go pee. The whole time I had a huge smile across my face.

~ Addison POV ~

I lay back and sigh with a huge smile on my face. For some reason I get the idea to go swimming and try surfing. Jared has told me on MANY occasions that he wanted to try surfing.

Kayla comes back and just watched me think. She crawls on top of me until she is basically straddling me.

"What you thinking about?" She asks me.

"I'm thinking about going to the beach. I don't know why but I want to go to Miami and just get away from everyone and everything."

It would be perfect. Kayla and I would be able to spend more time together. Also Jared and Crystal would be able to relax. After all, I'm pretty sure Crystal needs a break since she's pregnant.

My phone rings and we both groan. She gets off of me and goes into her closest. I look down at the phone and Jared is calling me. I pick up and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hey wassup?"

He was silent for a couple of seconds before I hear the words I never wanted to hear from him.

"They know. Also, I screwed up badly. I don't know what to do. Damn it I'm a fucking asshole!"

"Hey, calm down Jared and tell me what you did. It can't be worse than anything I've done."

He sighs and lowers his voice. "Ok so Crystal and I got in an argument over the baby. She was having second thoughts about the baby. So I flipped and I said some things that I never wanted to say to her. Then I left and went to the bar and....."

I already know what he was going to say, but he confirms it.

"I ended up making out with this one girl and we had sex multiple times. The worse part is that I didn't use protection."

I sigh and rub my forehead. "Jared man, I don't know what to say man. Shit now I have to tell Kayla what happened."


"Wait Jared, where are you right now?" I ask.

"I'm leaving the girl's house now. Wait, I fucked up big time. Things just got 10x worse."

"How?" I ask concerned. Then I hear noises from outside my window and it sounds exactly the same from my phone.

I get up and walk up to the window. As soon as I look down near Kayla's neighbors, there's Jared with phone in one hand and shoes in the other. He looks up at me and speaks into the phone again.

"You can already guess what I did."

Then it clicks. He slept with Kayla's neighbor. He just made things so much worse. Then Kayla walks out dressed and happy until she saw me.

"Addy, what's wrong? Who's out there?" She asks while walking up to me. I instantly hold her back and face her away from the window.

"Um nothing baby, can you make me some coffee?" I ask trying to play it off. She looks at me suspiciously and then looks at the phone in my hand.

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