(25) All I See Is Red

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~ Kayla POV ~
I froze and just stare at him. I scoff and get up. "Are you fucking with me right now?! Why the hell would you say something like that?! I know for a fact she isn't dead! Why would you fuck around like that?!" I scream at him with tears running down my face.

He has no right to joke around like this. He sighs and rubs his eyes.

"I'm not joking around Kayla. I'm telling the truth and I'm so sorry that I did it. It was either you or her. My aunt made me choose." He says softly while standing in front of me.

I smacked him hard in the face that it whips in that same direction and a handprint is left on his face. I then kick him in his d!ck and he collapses. I kneel down and I whisper one thing before I leave.

"I will get my revenge Addison. And that's a promise."

I slammed the door behind me and made my way downstairs. Keira was standing in front of the door with two packed bags. I guess I'm not the only one.

She smiles at me weakly and picks up one bag and hands me the other. "We have to get away from these lying ass hoes before they end up killing us." She says before opening the door and there was Crystal in the driveway as well as Daisy and Daniel.

Crystal runs up to me and squeezes the hell out of me. She then shoots daggers at Keira and I calm her down. "Keira wasn't involved with the kidnap. It was only the guys. She's on our side."

Crystal then smiles and hugs Keira. They hug it out and then Daniel comes out of the car and hugs me. I hug him back and then we all left. We went home. Which is far away from him. I guess I have to call up my uncle again and see if he will let me get back into the gang.

Oh, how did I forget to mention that I was once in a gang? I guess with all of the drama and bullshit lies, it slipped my mind. Well now you guys know. Anyways, on the way back home, I looked down at my phone and I deleted everything that brought back the thought of him.

(When we get back home)

Keira and I went to my place since she doesn't have a place here. I told her she can sleep here as long as she wants. She is going to be in the guest room.

I'm currently trying to find my uncle's private phone number in my phone book. Yes, I have a phone book shush. I know way too many people.

Thank god I finally found it. I smile down at it and dial it. It rings and then someone instantly picks it up. I can tell from the voice it was Alec.

"How did you get this number?" He asks.

I scoff and smile. "How are you going to forget me so quickly? I'm hurt Alec."

He gasps like a maniac and I start laughing. "OMG KAYLA WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?! AND WHY HAVEN'T YOU CALLED?!" He screams making me pull the phone away from my ears.

"Damn dude you didn't have to scream, but I need to talk to Uncle Dave. Can you get me to his line?" I ask.

"Of course Kayla. Or should I say........ Kayla Pooh." He jokes and I groan at the nickname. He always called me that just because when we were little I would always say "peridot Pooh".

He laughs and then I hear the line switch. "Hello?" My uncle's deep voice speaks. I smile and speak. "Hey Uncle Dave. How has it been?"

"Kayla? Hey niece, how the hell have you been? I miss you kiddo." He says with a little hurt in his voice.

"I missed you too Uncle Dave. Can I ask a favor?" I say with a little nervous in my voice.

He chuckles. "You want to get back in the gang don't you?" He asks.

"Yeah, is that okay? And my friend might want to do it as well." I ask hoping he'll let me back in. But then again, I'm his favorite so I shouldn't be.

"Of course! I will be happy to see you. And your friend can come and meet too. Can we meet up tomorrow at your mom's favorite coffee shop?" I take a deep breath from the mentioning of my mother.

"Yeah Unc that's perfect. I already know to come in the afternoon because you're too lazy to do anything before that." I hear him chuckle and it makes me laugh and smile.

"At least you remember. Half of these idiots forget that and choose to bother me. Especially Alec. One day I swear I might shoot him in the legs." He jokes and I hear his gasp in the background; causing me to laugh at them both.

"But boss, it's not my fault that someone else always needs you and that I'm forgetful." I hear Alec say in the background. I laugh and then Keira knocks on my door.

"Ok guys, you'll have to deal with that alone. Someone needs me. Love you guys and I can't wait to see you guys tomorrow." I say.

"LOVE YOU TOO!" I hear them both scream and I laugh before hanging up. They may be in a gang, but they never lost their sense of humor like others.

"Come in Keira." I say and she opens the door and smiles with two bowls of Cookies and Cream ice cream.

"I bought us ice cream and wanted to know if you wanted to watch a movie. Besides, I think we need a day to relax before we end up dealing with more drama." She says while sitting down on the bed and handing a bowl to me.

I smile at her and she smiles back. I grab the PlayStation remote and go onto Netflix. "What do you want to watch?" I ask.

"Is Fifty Shades Of Freed on here? I always wanted to watch that, but never got the chance." She says freely.

Intense up a little bit I look it up and it sure does. I click on it and we both get under the covers. We both started to eat our ice cream and watch the movie in silence.

After the movie was over, Keira just stared blankly at the screen. "That's why people were watching this. They are a bunch of horny people I tell you. Remind me to never watch that again." She says causing me to laugh.

"What do you want to do next?" I ask. Right on cue, we both yawn and we both laugh. I turned off the tv and we both fall asleep in my bed. I didn't care if she slept in my bed. I'm not that cruel.

~ Addison POV ~

I paced back and forth while Grayson just sat on my bed. Damn it, both of the girls left. Then I got a call from my hacker that they are planning on going a gang.

Grayson sighs and looks down. "It's my fault that Keira left. I called her a whore that can't keep her head out of business. And then I smacked her. I put my fucking hands on her Addison!"

I stop and lean against my wall. "Shit at least you didn't kill her mother to protect her from your crazy aunt. I literally had to watch her just stare at me as my aunt shoots her five times in the chest! Five fucking times! Kayla will seek revenge and she will be coming back to kill me."

He sighs and we both just sit in complete silence. What the hell have I done? Now all she see is red and won't stop until she sees my blood on her hands. At this point, I might let her. I mean, what do I have to loose?

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