(24) Why Won't You Tell Me?

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(a couple of weeks later)

~ Kayla POV ~

Things here have been alright. Crystal and Daniel were scared and terrified when they found out that I was kidnapped. Then they got furious when I told them that it was all part of Addison's plan.

Then I explained how we are on good terms and they relaxed. We call each other whenever I get a chance to. Most of the time I'm either with Keira and Grayson or I'm with Addison.

Addison and I are getting our friendship back at least. I went back to calling him Addy and he was really happy when I did. Currently, I'm sitting on top of the covers with Addy and we are playing Uno.

"Uno!" I scream as soon as I put down my wild card. The last card in my hand is a red 8. He groans with the 5 cards in his hand. I laugh and he gives me a death stare.

"You're cheating. I don't know how but you are." He says. I smirk and pull a card out of my bra and he gasps; causing me to laugh. He drops his cards and jumps on top of me. He straddles my lap and pins my arms above my head.

"You're so going to pay for that. I'mma make sure you do." He says. I roll my eyes and smile. "You're not going to do anything. You can't make me." I say with confidence.

He looks quickly at my lips and then back at my eyes. "Oh really now?" He says in his deep voice. "Yeah. Make me." I say with even more confidence. He smirks and moves closer so our noses are touching.

"Say that again. I dare you." He says even more huskier. "Make me." I whisper on his lips and he slams his onto mine. He slips his tongue inside my mouth when I let out a moan and we start making out. He lets go of my arms and I wrap them around his neck.

We hear the door open and a gasp. Addy shoots off of me and we both look over at the door to see Keira covering her eyes. "I'm sorry for interrupting, but Grayson would like to speak to Addison . I'll tell him your busy though. Carry on." With that, she leaves the room and closes the door.

~ Addison POV ~

She always finds a way to ruin something. I look back down at Kayla and we both start laughing hard. After a minute, we stop and stare into each other's eyes.

"Hey Kayla?" I whisper.

"Yes Addy?" She whispers back and smiles. I take a deep breath and hold her cheek. She places her hand on top of mine and keeps it there.

"Can we try to make things better between us and maybe get our relationship back?" I whisper and she tenses up.

"I don't know, possibly in the future. But we just started to get our friendship back. I don't want that to get ruined because we decided to date again. Give it time." She says and I sigh.

"I get what you mean. I'mma go see what Grayson wants then I want a rematch." I joke and get off of her. She chuckles and grabs the cards.

I walk into my office to see him sitting on the couch. He looks up at me and sighs. I guess he notices how my lips are a little swollen from the make out session I had. I sit in the computer chair and look at him.

"Addison, it's time you tell her. She doesn't deserve what you're doing to her. It's selfish and cruel on your part. Tell her." He says and I shake my head no.

"I can't man. We just got our friendship back. I'll tell her maybe in like a couple of weeks but right now, I need her. I love her. As long as no one tells her the truth, we'll be fine. Please don't tell either girls." I kind of beg and he sighs.

"'Man, this is so fucked up. I won't say anything but if they ask, I'm telling. They deserve the truth and I will tell them if I have to." He says and I nod.

He goes to open the door and there stood Keira and Kayla with a confused look on their face. "Grayson, what the hell are you guys hiding from us?" Keira asks. He takes in a deep breath and he looks back at me.

"Grayson, tell me please or I swear to god I will walk away with Kayla and never come back." Keira says and her voice breaks a little. He shakes his head no and she cries. Kayla and Keira both run into the spare room downstairs and lock the door.

He sighs and looks back at me. "Look what you just caused. Screw this, I'm telling her. I don't care if she is mad at you. If anything, she'll have every right to." He says and I shoot up and tackle him to the ground.

"No! I'll tell her myself! You just worry about Keira!" I scream before getting up and walking to the door. I knock on the door and I hear little whispers.

"Kayla, I need to speak to you alone. Keira, Grayson needs to talk to you. Can you open the door?" Kayla then opens the door and let's Keira out and we close the door and sit down on the end of the bed.

~ Kayla POV ~

I'm scared for what he has to say, but I'm tired of secrets. I need to know. He sighs and holds my hands.

"Kayla, just know I love you and I never want to hurt you." He says. I groan and give him the 'hurry up' look. He sighs and puts his head down.

"My aunt wants to keep you away from me. She wants to kill you for revenge. I took away her love and now she wants mine. Also......." he stops.

"Addison just say it. It can't be that....." I get cut off.

"I killed your mom."

And at that very moment, my blood went cold.

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