(8) Mr. Cocky Himself Appears

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8 years later

~ Kayla POV ~

I'm currently am walking around the streets of New York and taking photos for my boss. Before I get into that, let me get into what happened throughout the years.

My mom is having a baby in 4 months. Crystal and Jared have moved down here in New York with us. She moved out and moved a block away from me with Jared.

Apparently Addison moved down here as well for the business that is help funding ours. His jewelry business is where we get our jewelry from so I can take photographs of people wearing them. I haven't seen him though so that's a plus.

I am still single of course but that doesn't mean that people don't ask me for my number. I would have to say that people ask me for my number at least once a week.

Oh and how could I forget the fact that I'm going to be a god mother. Yep, you guessed it. Crystal is pregnant. She is only going on four month. Her baby belly is so cute. The boss wants her to stay home and relax but she didn't listen to him at all.

Now let's back to me working. I walk into the office with my boots and my little bag of necessities for while I'm taking photos.

I walk into my office and on my way there, Crystal walks with me and scrolls through her phone. When I make it inside my office, she closes the door and sits down on the couch I have.

"God being pregnant is kicking me in the ass." She groans. I laugh at her and start to edit the photos on my computer.

"Well no one told you to have Jared get you pregnant. You guys planned this so blame yourselves." I say with a bit of sarcasm in my voice.

She sends me an evil glare and we both start busting out laughing. Then the boss walks in and we try to be serious, but then all 3 of us start laughing.

Our boss isn't like other bosses here in New York. He lets us be us and doesn't sugar coats things. If anything, he's more of a friend than a boss.

"Kayla, how are the photos coming out?" He asks getting us back on track.

I clear my throat and turn the computer so he can see them. Since it's December, I decided to go outside and take photos.

He smiles at the photos and looks back at me.

"These are great Kayla. I'm sure he'll be very pleased."

I roll my eyes at the fact he mentioned him. Why did he have to kill my vibe? He notices my change in mood and cheers me up.

"Oh come on lighten up Kayla. You only have to see him one time. Besides, if you do it, I'll add a couple more bucks to that pay check." He says grinning.

I look over at him and smile. "You better hold on to that promise or I'll get a pregnant woman on you."

Crystal punches her hand and we all bust out laughing again. Then John, the other assistant, knocks on my door and smiles.

"Sorry to interrupt the fun but he's here and waiting as we speak. And can I just say god damn he looks like eye candy." Oh and he's gay.

I groan and get the photos including the one I showed my boss, and headed out to meet the last person I wanted to see. Crystal decided to stay behind because she didn't want to see what happened. She would rather hear what happened.

As we were walking, I fixed the braid that decided to slide in front of my face. We stop in front of the conference room door and I took a deep breath before opening the door with the boss behind me.

~ Addison POV ~

Let me update you on how I have been. I have been doing basically the same think for 8 years. Smoke, work, make phone calls, workout, club, sleep with a random person, kick them out and sleep, and all starts over.

My looks have gotten better I would have to say. I died my hair brown and I've never changed back to it being it's natural color. Today is the day I see her. She is probably going to be taken. I take a sip of the coffee and wait in the conference room preparing myself to see her.

Then I hear the door open and I turn around. God damn, she has gotten better looking over the years. She still hasn't changed her hairstyle up. Still box braids. Now her body is a different story. Boobs definitely got bigger, stomach got flatter, wider hips, and a bigger ass.

She overall has a hourglass body and it got me fucking drawn to it.

"Mr. Addison are you ok?" She asks me.

I shake my head and smile. "No I'm fine thank you very much. Are you the photographer?" I hold my hand out for her to shake and she doesn't look happy.

She fakes a smile and shakes my hand back. "That would be me. Now can we start?" I hold onto her hand tighter and she steps on my foot. And I mean hard. I had to hold back my curses and I let go of her hand.

She smirks at me and walks past me. I smirk at her. She wants to play? Well I can play. Let the games begin.

~ Kayla POV ~

God I already don't want to be here, but if I want to keep this job I'm going to have to suck it up. I walk past his cocky ass and set the presentation up on my iPad.

When it finally loaded, I got started.

"In order to cell the jewelry, we need to get the buyers eyes. So for a background photo for the background I decided to take this photo
(Picture above) for the background."

The letters will be italics and the business information will be listed at the bottom. Any questions?"

Mr. Cocky decides to speak up.

"I'm not quite grasping on to the photo. There has to be a specific thing about this photo that would make you choose this. Please enlighten me on what made you choose it?"

I take a deep breath and look at it.

"I feel this photo has a story behind it. The girl in the picture is taking a stroll and encounters the little coffee shop. She decides to sit down on the bench and look back at her past life. All of the pain, drama, and regret she had to face. She's finally free from all of it. She takes it all in as if it was the last time she experiences it."

Everyone was quiet including him. My boss stands up and claps aloud. I smile and thank him before packing my stuff up. Everyone left so it was just me and him.

He gets up and moves next to me. I completely ignore him and pack my stuff up. He reaches to touch my hand but I move my hand away.

"Don't touch me." I mumble to him.

"Kayla, you gotta let go of the past and move on." He sighs and speaks out.

I slam my stuff down and look at him. Straight in his eyes.

"You know what? You're right, I should move on. But every time I do seem to finally move on, you some how manage to make my life a living hell again. So let's do us a both a favor and not act like we like each other because I know for a fucking fact that I don't like you."

With that I roll my eyes and leave him standing there as I walk back into my office. As soon as I walk in, my boss, Crystal, and John are standing there as if they were waiting for me.

John closes the door and makes me sit in between him and Crystal. I look at him and he smirks. "Spill the tea girl. You got anger written all over your face." He grins and I explain.

~ Addison POV ~

Wow, that went worse than I expected it to be. I don't know why she hates me so much. I thought she wanted us separated too. Woman are so confusing sometimes. Maybe a drink at the club will help. Nah make that 6 drinks.

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