Chapter 22

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A/N: guys this chapter is dedicated to my new friend Montanna_Lott. Her and her sister are helping with my writing and she has become my new Wattpad friend.

The big day had finally arrived. The guys' final and me leaving for Ireland. My dad had booked his driver to take me the airport so no one else had to miss the end of the boys game. Seeing as I won't be there at the end I was saying my official goodbye before the guys left for their game and then I would just say a quick goodbye to my parents and Emily before leaving.

"So are you excited?" My mom asked me as we all sat around the kitchen table. The guys eating their traditional pregame breakfast.

I nodded as I sipped my tea. "And nervous too."

"You're gonna do great there Katie." My dad spoke just before my phone beeped on the table near my right hand. I placed down mug and lifted my phone up. I was faced with Emily's name on a message notification. I opened the phone and went into the app holding all my typed conversations. Her message read.

"Just leaving now. See you soon x"

I quickly sent a reply before placing my phone back down on the table in its original spot.

"Emily will be here soon." I told everyone as I picked my mug back up.

"Okay well before that your mother and I have a little going away present for you." Dad spoke as him and mom headed out the door of the kitchen and into the hall.

"What do you think it is?" I asked my brother and boyfriend as they finished their breakfast.

"No idea. But Nate and I have gifts for you too." Liam informed me and they got up to put their dishes into the dishwasher.

"Oh maybe I should leave more often." I replied smiling. My mom came in carrying a large enough box. I began trying to guess what was inside but I didn't get much time as it was placed in front of me. I stood up and removed the lid of the box and found a pillow inside.

I took the pillow from it's box and noticed it was covered in box photos, old and new, of my friends, family and I.

"Oh I love it. Thank you." I spoke as I hugged my parents.

"My turn." Liam said as he stood up and left the room. He arrived back into a room with a box large enough to fit a mug into. He handed me the box and I removed the wrapping paper and opening it.

I pulled away the protective paper and revealed a travel mug. The mug was white with the words 'Dream Big' written in cursive letters. Then on the other side was a picture of a plane going from America to Ireland.

"Oh Liam it is so cute. Thank you." I hugged my brother and he returned the action. I know some people would find a travel mug a weird present but during my finals I had to borrow Mom's travel mug for my coffee and other drinks as it was something I never really found a need for before that week and with heading for college it was definitely be a necessity to get me through the next few years of my life.

Dad's phone beeped and he looked down before speaking. "David is outside. He's gonna take you bag now so you don't have to drag them to the game."

"We'll take them out." Mom assured me before standing up along with my father before ever so slightly trying to nodded her head at Liam in signal for him to come along.

"Yeh I'll help too." Liam spoke before they all left clearly trying to leave Nathan and I alone for him to give me my present.

"This is for you." He handed me the small box from his pocket before wrapping his arms around my waist waiting for me to open it.

I took the white box in my hands and open the flip lid. Inside read the words 'Distance means so little when someone means so much' and there was a necklace with a silver plate on it and inscribed on the plate was the date Nathan and I started going out in Roman Numerals.


"Oh Nate I love it." I spoke as he took it off me and placed it around my neck. I moved my long  brown hair out of the way so he could see what he was doing. After he clipped it in place I turned around in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck before connecting our lips. I melted into it as the realization hit that this would be one of the last kisses we would share before his game and before I leave.

After we pulled apart I pulled him close to me. ''I'm gonna miss you so much.''

''I'm gonna miss you too. But we'll make this work. I promise.'' He whispered into my ear. As much as I wanted to believe it there was always a doubt in my mind that something was gonna happen while I was gone and his head would be turned to another girl who didn't go half way around the world to attend college. And there was nothing I could do. I'd just have to hope and pray that he loves me as much as I love him and that our love will be strong enough to keep us connected.

''Dude we've to go.'' Liam spoke pulling me out of my train of thoughts and us apart from one and other.

''This is it.'' I told him as my parents entered the room. I watched as the tear fell from his eye down onto his cheek. ''Oh Nate please don't cry.'' I was one to lecture him while the tears began to form in my eyes too. I held my arm out to Liam to join us and he did. I wrapped an arm around both of them and the 3 of us formed a group hug.

Nathan has been in my life as long as Liam has. They've been best friends from the day they were born meaning he was always in my house from the second I was born it was like I had 3 older brothers. He was just as protective of me as Alex and Liam, and even more now that he's my boyfriends.

''I'm gonna miss you guys so much. And I'm gonna FaceTime you both all the time and come whenever I can.'' I promised.

''And maybe we could come out and see you.'' Liam asked as he looked down at me with tears in his eyes.

''You're welcome anytime.'' I smiled and nodded while wiping my tears away. We pulled away from one and other before Liam wrapped his arms around me.

''Do great things Kate.'' He spoke before kissing me on the head. '' I love you.''

''I love you so much. You're gonna be an amazing doctor.'' Nathan told me after Liam walked away. I followed the 2 boys out the front door and towards Liam's truck. I stood at the door of his truck as he lowered the window of the driver side.

''You've got this far, don't screw it up now.'' I said referring to their final. Which is the biggest game of their lives. David Jordan will be there scouting for the National Team. They left before we all started crying again. I blew a kiss and waved as my brother's truck pulled out of the driveway taking my brother and boyfriend with it.

That was it. That was the last conversation I was gonna have with either of them in person for a while. Yeh I was gonna see them at the final but I wouldn't speak to them there. I had to stop thinking about it or otherwise I would cry again. I decided to put on my big girl pants. Head inside and get ready for the game.

Guys this book is officially drawing to an end. The next chapter is going to be a mix of the game of Katie heading to the airport for Dublin.
Still unsure on whether to show Katie arriving in Dublin in this book or wait for the sequel and just end it at the airport. We'll see how the plot of the next chapter goes.

Thank you for your support. I noticed the reads have gone down drastically recently but I'm really grateful for the few people still keeping up with the book and once those 7/8 people are enjoying it that's enough for me.


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