Chapter 13

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Please read this A/N down below!!!!

Don't judge a boy by his face. He may be good looking, amazing at sports or act all nice and charming but that doesn't mean he is. I found that out the hard way. And so did Emily.

Emily and I had spent majority of the day getting ready for prom. Doing each other's hair and makeup. Getting dressed. Taking photos. It was pretty good.

Jason and Mason were meant to pick us up 10 minutes ago. Things weren't looking good.

"They're not coming." I spoke looking at the clock seeing it was 7:10 pm.

"They'll come." Emily reassured.

"No they won't." I replied. I wasn't even going to get to go to my own prom.

"I'm sorry." Nathan told me. I stood up to hug him. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and mine went around his waist. I didn't care about my dress, hair or makeup. Looked like I wasn't even going to get to go to prom anyway.

Suddenly Nathan's phone buzzed and he pulled it out of his pocket. I pulled away and looked at his face as he looked at the phone. His face showed confusion before he headed out the kitchen door without staying anything.

"Nathan." I called after him but he didn't listen as he closed the door.

"What's with him." Emily asked confused. Footsteps could be heard running up stairs.

"No clue." I answered listening. Sounded like he and Liam were running about up stairs. Emily and I waited for another few minutes then decided we go get changed out of our dresses but then the doorbell rang.

I sighed before heading out the towards the front door. I took a deep breath thinking it was gonna be Mason or Jason at the door. I opened the door and was shocked at who stood there. I busted out laughing at the pair in front of me.

"What the hell are you guys doing." I laughed.

"We're your prom dates. Well you and Emily's." Liam explained as they stood there both holding corsages.

"Well please do come in then." I spoke opening the door wider. Liam walked on in to the kitchen to Emily and Nathan went to follow but I grabbed his hand. "Thanks for doing this."

"I'd do anything for you." He told me smiling.

"I love you." I said after a minute. A massive smile grew on his face.

"You do." He asked looking down at me. I nodded in reply.

"I love you." Nathan spoke. I reached up and put my arms around his neck and connected our lips. It started of slow and soft but then got  deeper. Our tongues connected for a short time but then a throat cleared made us to pull apart.

Liam stood there with Emily, both of the smiling like crazy just like Nathan and I were. "Hope we didn't interrupt anything."

"No." Nathan laughed. "Let's go."

Liam opened the front door, lead us out and towards the Jeep. Emily and Liam got in the front with Liam driving while Nathan and I got in the back.

We arrived at the school and Liam pulled up in a parking spot before looking back at Nathan. "Dude this brings back serious memories." He spoke.

"What memories you guys barely made it through a full school day." I reminded them causing both guys to laugh. We all got out of the Jeep and headed inside. We got photos taken by the photographer the school hired before heading into the gym which had been transformed into a Cloud Nine theme. It was a white wonderland.


Prom night was amazing. Nathan and I danced. I spent time with my classmates. I watched as Liam and Emily got very close and I don't know if it was the alcohol in the punch or what.

Considering all of us had something to drink we decided to get a cab home and pick up the Jeep tomorrow. Emily was spending the night at our house so we all got off there. Liam paid the cab guy and we headed inside.

"Night." I spoke before giving Nathan a quick kiss so I could go to bed. "Night Liam."

I headed upstairs and Emily followed behind me. I got changed into a t-shirt and shorts before heading into the bathroom to take my makeup off.

I hopped into bed and Emily went to the bathroom to take off her make up. I fired my curly hair into a messy bun before lifting my phone up and checking my social media's.

Nathan's name came onto the screen in my text messages.

Tonight was amazing x

I smiled at the text.

Yeh it really was, thanks for doing that, you really didn't have to do that x

No problem. I'd do anything for you x

Night. I love you x

See you in the morning. Love you too x

I plugged my phone into the charger and placed in on the night stand before turning on the tv. Emily came out of the bathroom and threw her long blonde hair into a pony tail.

"So What's going on with Nathan and you?" She asked as she crawled into bed beside me.

"What. What do ya mean me and Nathan." I replied using air quotes.

"Ya know the little make out in the hall before we left."

"It was nothing." She gave me a look which said 'do you think I'm stupid'. "Okay so there has been something going on between us for a while now and I didn't wanna tell you Incase you said anything to Liam. Sorry."

"It's cool I promise." She answered. She continued to smile. I laughed at her face.

"Stop laughing." I told her laughing myself.

"I can't I'm just so happy for you."

"Oh shut up." I replied rolling over in bed so my back was to Emily's face. The truth was I was really happy too. Everything can be out in the open now. Emily and Liam know about Nathan and me, also Alex's know. Now just my parents and his then everyone know.

Well considering Nathan isn't exactly on best terms with his parents right now that could be the last thing we do but anyway. It was priority that Liam and Emily knew cause we're around them the most.

I feel asleep with thoughts of Nathan and prom in my head which lead to a smile on my face as I slipped into dream land.

I know, I know please don't kill me but I haven't updated any of my stories in ages. I've had school exam til 2 weeks ago then I had basketball and stuff so it was all hectic.

But I'm back (hopefully) for the next couple of weeks.

Just wanna let you guys know that I'm not American so I'm not sure how the school year and system works so this is gonna be kind of how I think it goes and if it's wrong I'm sorry. There is only a bit left anyway. I'm gonna write kind of after the girls final's week so thinking back on it if ya get me. Just cause I'm not sure on how it works. Then it will be graduation and that's it.

Teaser: The girls head to Nathan and Liam's soccer game and things get tense .

Please vote and leave a comment if you have anything to tell me about my story or not about the story I love hearing things about your life's it just makes me feel connected to you guys.

Thank you!


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