Chpater 8

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Nathan's POV

I was laying awake in the bed of the guest room in Liam and Katie's house and it was currently 6:55am. I had the worst night sleep ever, constantly twisting and turning. If I did manage to get to sleep in was only for random 30 minute intervals. I was gonna go and wake Katie but that wouldn't be fair because she has school this morning.

After I lay there a few more minutes and an alarm went off once again from the room across the hall, more specifically Katie's alarm. It was about the 3rd alarm that had gone off meaning she still hadn't dragged herself out of bed this Monday morning. Since I wasn't gonna get any more sleep than I already had I decided to go and wake her up so she wasn't late for school..

"Katie." I spoke peaking my head in the door of her room to see her laying beneath the comforter. She mumbled back in response. "Katie you've gotta get up or you'll be late."

"Okay." She muttered taking her head out from under the blanket. Her hair was in a messy pony tail, she was wearing one of Liam's high school soccer t-shirts and a pair of grey shorts. She actually looked very cute in the mornings.

"Morning." I said as she stood up beside her bed and stretched, trying to wake her body up. She looked at me smiling and then opened her arms out clearly looking for a hug.

I smiled back at her and walked over with my arms opened. Her arms wrapped around my waist and mine around her shoulders as I squeezed her tight, not wanting to let go of her small frame.

"I don't wanna go to school." She muttered into my t-shirt.

"Then don't." I told her kissing the top of her head.

"And this is why you and Liam work at the garage." She commented smiling as she pulled away but left her hands resting on my waist before she continued to speak. "I'm going to school and you're going to see your parents."

Damn. I thought I was gonna get away without seeing them but Katie clearly didn't forget about the deal she made last night.

"So I'm gonna get ready. You're gonna drop me to school cause I don't feel like driving and after you do you're going to see your mom and dad cause the longer you put this off Nathan the worse it's gonna get." She explained in a little serious voice while pulling away from me.

"Okay but one quick thing." I spoke and before she could reply I grabbed her waist spinning her around and placing my lips on hers. She began to kiss me back straight away with no doubt.

"Wow you're making it really hard for me to go to school." She told me as she pulled away. She looked at me and had a look on her face as if she was in deep thought. "Okay I'm not going to school."

"Really?" I asked feeling a smile crawl onto my face hoping she wasn't messing around.

"Yeh I've got an English paper due today and I haven't it all done so I can finish it up and send it to my teacher and this way I know you actually went to see your parents." She informed me grinning. I knew she'd have to be getting something out of this too.

"Okay that's fair, I wouldn't trust me either to be honest." I replied shrugging my shoulders casually.

"Cool." She spoke before jumping back into her bed and wrapping herself up in her blanket without another word.

"What are you doing?" I asked looking at her getting comfortable back in her warm bed.

"It's currently 7:25 am. I'm going back to sleep for a while. Or maybe just relax here and watch tv either. Liam or Alex won't be up for hours." She informed me looking at me. 

She was right it would be nearly lunch time before you would see either Liam or Alex and that would be early at that. I walked over and locked her bedroom door to prevent any unwanted visitors like with Alex the other day.

"What are you doing?" She asked in confusion as she watched me walk back towards her

"We don't want either of your brothers walking in on us if we fall asleep now do we." I explained to her with a smile.

"Good idea." She agreed as I sat down on the bed beside her. Just as I sat down she crawled up beside me until she was sitting next to me. "Now where were we."

She placed her hands on my neck and pulled my face towards her and connected our lips. I placed my hands on her thighs and lifted her onto my lap so she was straddling me. The kiss got deeper and I found myself licking her bottom lip looking for entrance which she denied before pulling away.

"Tease." I frowned as she looked at me as if she had a thought on her mind.

"Sorry but I've gotta ring Emily and tell her I'm not going to school." She spoke grabbing her phone off the charger from its spot on her white bedside table.

I could hear her phone ring and she placed it up to her ear and that meant I could hear both sides of the conversation because of how close she was to me. When Emily asked why she wasn't going to school I smiled at her and began kissing her neck, sucking on sweet spots. Katie started gigging quietly as she told Emily she wasn't feeling well and she'd call her later. After she hung up she pushed my head away from her neck.

"You're a jerk. Now she's gonna know something's up." She told me with a fake angry look on her face.

"Sorry." I frowned feeling kinda bad because I knew she wanted to keep this a secret.

"Hey it's okay." She spoke taking my face in her hands and kissed me again. And once again she pulled away. "Let's watch a movie and I'm picking this time."

She got off my lap and sat beside me pulling the blanket over herself before offering me some and I crawled in beside her. She then grabbed the remote and put on Netflix on her tv. She flicked through for a few minutes as I took her spare hand in mine and began playing with her fingers. It actually seemed very calming and relaxing for me.

She placed the remote down on the bed after putting on The Blind Side. Better than some romantic chick flick that I was expecting her to chose after we made her watch the Goal the other night.

We spent the next 2 hours here together in Katie's bed watching the movie, cuddling and making comments about the movie and asking each other questions about parts we didn't understand. It was nice. It was relaxing. Nothing was awkward between us at all. I could definitely see us going out sometime soon. Hopefully really soon too."

"Hey will you pass me my laptop please." Kate asked me as the ending credits rolled by on the screen. I grabbed the laptop off the floor beside the bed and handed it to her. I assume she's gonna finish writing that English paper she had mentioned earlier.

As she opened her laptop the screen lit up and she went straight to the Word document marked 'English Paper' on the home screen. As she began to continue writing I laid my head on her shoulder and watch the words fill the page as I began to read some of what she was writing.

"So what's it about?" I asked as she stopped to think about what she was going to write next.

"It's based on a precept. 'The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up'. We have to write about what you think it means. It's only 600-800 words so I don't mind. It's just getting it all right and the wording perfect." She explained as she continued to type. I'd say she had about 200 words roughly left to write judging by the length of the page.

My began to feel heavy from the lack of sleep and eventually closed as Katie continued to write and I found myself falling into that phase ya know when you're not fully asleep but aren't totally awake either. I could then feel Katie's hand move through my hair slowly and it helped me to relax and fall asleep.

Katie must have been getting up cause she slowly lifted my head from her shoulder and placed it onto the soft pillow and just like that I fell into a deep sleep.

Pretty much just a wee update about Nathan and Katie's relationship. Hope you all enjoyed. Let me know below and don't forget to vote too !!

Teaser: Nathan goes home to see his parents and Katie finally gets to see why Nathan is always at her house.

Love you all so much

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